Because it was 4th of July weekend last week, I’m sure Beth from I Should Be Folding Laundry expected this to be an easy challenge for everyone. But to be honest, here in Germany, people are usually not all that patriotic. It’s really a shame but that’s just the way it is.

I’m sure it has something to do with the shame they are all programmed to feel because of Hitler’s actions. But honestly — most of the people living in Germany today had nothing to do with what happened. And those that were alive during that time period were quite young when things were going on — or are extremely old now.

At any rate, the only real time I have seen true patriotism in Germany and flags everywhere I looked was during the World Cup. Germans love their soccer. And although there are World Cup games going on right now, they are merely for the women teams. And I know we women want to feel like we’re equal, but no one can really argue that the women’s sports teams get the same respect and following as the men’s.

But one of our neighbors seems to feel that the women’s World Cup team of Germany should also get some credit — and they have been playing quite well! So here the one bit of German patriotism I managed to see this week:

Amusingly enough, when people want to sow their patriotism here, they love to do it on their cars. So they put flags in at least one window and sometimes even use covers for their mirrors that are little miniature flags.

I know…not my most stunning photos. But hey, you get to learn a little bit about patriotism (or the lack thereof) in Germany too!

By the way, the lack of patriotism does not apply in Bavaria, where you will often see blue and white checkered flags flying high, things decorated with the Bavarian flag print, Prince Ludwig, lions with the Bavarian crest and so on. But we (unfortunately) don’t live there…and for some reason have nothing Bavarian in our house.

But if you walk into our kitchen, you will see where my heart always lays: