Fitness Friday: It’s been a long time

After 132 days away from my WiiFit, I finally got back on the balance board on Wednesday. I’m a bit sore but I’m loving the results. And I was rather shocked to see that I’ve dropped even more weight despite eating often. One of the great perks of...

Friday Fitness: Pour some honey on me

Did I mention that I can fit in my sexy jeans again? The ones I loved before I was pregnant? Go ahead, hate me all you want. I can certainly handle it. I’ve decided to give my exercises reports with little daily updates which I write when I’m done so I can...

Give me a W! Give me an I! Give me another I!

I have just had my eyes opened to a couple new games for the Wii…and I am dying to try them out! One is Active Life Outdoor Challenge. You get a little mat for your Wii and interact all over it. The video says it better than I can… And then I found a...