Have you found yourself feeling edgy, unhappy, rushed, unproductive or just not quite yourself lately? Or maybe all of those things above? Well maybe you should try taking a look around your office and home real quick. Is there chaos lurking around every corner? Are your shelves overflowing, your drawers packed to the top and your closets bursting at the seems?

I can’t even begin to think about working in this space!
photo credit: sindesign via photopin cc

Perhaps it’s time to think about letting go of a few things and doing some decluttering.

Now if you’re starting to tun out already, keep in mind that decluttering doesn’t only have to mean that you clean out your home for more space. Well, primarily it may be for that and it might do well to just keep your house clean and neat. Yet, it could also mean that you are also creating more space for your mind.

A lot of times, disorganized people that have too much clutter in their lives are often anxious, frustrated and may become out of control. Because of all the things that are going on in their lives, it may be difficult for them to just sit back and relax.

The act of decluttering has a way of generating fresh energy, creating mental and physical space for more clarity and allows you the chance to release some of those negative vibes that you have been holding on to.

According to experts, the things that you leave undone can be your own undoing. Additionally, it is said that clutter adds stress and waste precious time, mostly because you have to spend so much more time searching for things. And honestly — don’t tell me that you know just where everything is in the chaos. Just because it’s in a box somewhere doesn’t mean it’s organized…and if it takes you 20 minutes to dig an item out of the box, that’s definitely not helping you remain productive.

The act of organizing gives you more time and more peace of mind. An attachment to clutter can be cause for embarrassment, stress and even depression. Most of us, though, have the capacity to deal with clutter — but it’s just extra baggage that we really don’t deserve to deal with all the time. We recognize the need for organizing so that we gain more time to do more important tasks. This is most important to mental health and more importantly your soul. And to be honest, every time I start decluttering and I see a more simplified room or empty shelf, I feel more at peace. And before long, I want to get rid of even more things!

A home reflects the person and all those who live in it. Tidying up and decluttering may not be all that needs to be done. Having too much clutter around the house may signify a deeper underlying issue that needs to be addressed. It may be something in the form of a life-altering occurrence like grief, loss or some sort of trauma. Sometimes, we all have this idea in our head that material things can bring us all the happiness that we need. However, that is the exact opposite. In fact, owning less is easier to live with.

For a healthy mind, body and soul, you have to determine what roles that clutter plays in your life. People usually hang on to material belongings for security and comfort, but sometimes letting go of the emotional baggage that comes with all those material things will allow people to enjoy more quality of life.

As you declutter your home, not only do you get to clean up and create more space, you also clear your mind of all the stress that comes with it.

Decluttering can become a big task if you are not willing to make the changes in your life that need to be done. Take the time to step back and assess everything, look at your home, your surroundings and determine if all that you have and all the clutter that it is creating in your home is worth the trouble. Stuff has psychic weight, and decluttering will make you feel lighter. Serenity created by uncluttered spaces allows you the chance to better focus on the spiritual side of your life. Clearing out your house creates that amazing effect of being able to think more, have a calm mind and soul to embrace everything else that is going on in your life.

And don’t think that you have to do it all at once. You didn’t store up that clutter in a day — and you’re certainly not going to be able to get rid of it all at once. In fact, doing so can sometimes become painful and overwhelming. So instead start with just one shelf or one drawer and go through that. Or set a timer for 15 minutes and finish as much as you can in those 15 minutes. And if you still feel good after that, restart the time and do another 15. Take it in baby steps and make sure you get rid the clutter out of the house in a timely manner as well (whether it’s to the trash, donation box or a garage sale) so you don’t find yourself trying to take anything back! 😉

How do you declutter? Do you enjoy doing it or find that the more you get rid of the easier it becomes?

A rainbow of shirts in a happy, organized closet. Perhaps still more clothes than anyone needs but it’s a good start!
photo credit: LizMarie_AK via photopin cc