by No Ordinary Homestead | Feb 18, 2013 | Food, Mains, Quick Dinners
Have you ever made a dish for the first time and knew immediately that it was going to be a recipe that was with you for the rest of your life? For us, the following is one such recipe. I think the first time we made this, it was 2001. We were in our first purchased...
by No Ordinary Homestead | May 24, 2010 | Food, Products, Reviews
Since the day my new Romertopfs arrived in the mail last week. I have been wondering what I should cook in it. I found a few nice salmon filets in our trunk freezer that definitely needed to be used, so I decided to throw in whatever ingredients I had at home (which...
by No Ordinary Homestead | Jul 24, 2008 | Featured
This has easily become one of my husband’s favorite meals…I think he really loves the sweetness of it but it’s not overpowering. Mackenzie definitely can’t get enough of it either — but she’s a little rice monster anyway so she’ll eat anything that has rice in it....
by No Ordinary Homestead | Jun 27, 2008 | Food
We actually tried the recipe quite a while ago but I’m trying to turn over a new leaf or something so I figured I would finally post about it. Red Pepper Salmon Pasta seems like a bit of a strange combo when you read it but it actually turned out quite good. I used...