In a world where fear abounds over the coronavirus, you may be looking to improve your chances of resisting the illness. By paying attention to your immune system, you have the potential to increase your defenses against microorganisms that cause diseases and illnesses. On its own, the immune system puts up a good fight, but it is possible for germs to invade your body and make you sick. By paying closer attention to what your immune needs, you have a better chance of staying healthy.

Choose a Healthy Lifestyle

The effects of the human lifestyle on increased immunity have long been studied, and among the factors that research explores are the effects of age, stress, diet, and exercise. Studies done show a lot of correlation between positive healthy lifestyles and reduced illness, but it isn’t a foolproof system. Genetics often play a part in an individual’s susceptibility to cancer. Even still healthcare professionals recommend that a good start to boosting your immune system is through lifestyle choices that promote a balanced diet, adequate vitamin and mineral intake, plenty of exercise, and avoids bad habits like smoking or drinking.  Give your body plenty of rest and take steps to reduce stress levels.

Choose Health-promoting Products

There are many products on the market that can have an added impact on your immunity, such as a vitamin C supplement. What is liposomal vitamin c? It is a special dose of immune-boosting vitamin C that can be added into your diet through smoothies or juice. Look for products in the grocery store or at the pharmacy that have high doses of vitamin C, the B vitamins, zinc, iron, or vitamin E. Your immune system is complex, and there isn’t one specific product that will keep it in good health. Make choices between natural and organic products over pre-packaged foods and items high in sugars. Your immune system gets sabotaged when there is too much glucose in the blood. It leads to excess fat, which in turn, creates a more sluggish, overworked system. Besides taking different types of vitamins separately you can keep your body’s vitamin levels up through IV therapies. IV therapies can provide nutrients and hydration that are difficult to get from diet alone. They can also help to detoxify the body and reduce inflammation. There are also location-based IV therapies that are convenient and accessible, making them a great option for busy people. So when you are located in Houston you can simply try infusion therapy in Houston TX, which is a safe way to get all the nutrients your body needs.

Choose Healthy Habits

Your immune system will do a lot of work on its own to squash bacteria, but you need to do your part by offensively protecting germs and bacteria from entering the body. As seen with the response to COVID-19, significant attention has been placed on the need for constant and thorough hand washing practices. Germs most commonly enter the body through the nose, mouth, and eyes. A large majority of transmissions occur when your hands have come in contact with an infected surface and your hands touch your face. Simply straightening your glasses or rubbing your nose is enough to allow a germ to enter the body. Good hygiene is watching your hands with antibacterial soap and running water for at least 20 seconds. Scrub the front, back, wrists, under the nails, and between the fingers to be most effective.

You also need to pay attention to any signals that your body sends. If you have a fever, it is your body’s response to an infection or illness. Don’t try to work through it or push on. Your body needs rest if your immune system is going to be strong, but your immune system may also need support from a medication or medical attention. Too many people ignore symptoms of illness, worried about the costs of medical care or time off work. These are bad habits that can allow an illness to ravage the body to the extent your immune system can’t handle it. Always seek medical attention when your body is showing signs that trouble is brewing inside.

Choose You

These actions support a healthy immune system. Your immune system supports a healthier you. Work to supply your immune system with everything it needs to work for you.