A couple weekends ago, we took Ayla with us down to Munich where a couple friends of our were celebrating moving into their new place. It just so happens that in their back yard is a stream which we decided Ayla just had to play in. She is a water dog, you know. πŸ˜‰

While Ayla was in there playing and splashing, we noticed a couple plastic bottles floating down the stream. So we told Ayla to grab them and started a collection pile. Incredibly enough, she collected these 3 and the shoe within about 10 minutes…they just kept coming.

Thankfully after all that, she was pretty worn out, and managed to get most of us at least a little wet. But it was a hot day already so at least it was pretty refreshing. I wouldn’t have wanted to swim in there myself but I don’t wear a fur coat in the summer either…

We did manage to get a couple videos of Ayla with all the bottle collection fun. Sorry for me almost screaming at you but the dog was pretty far away.

You might notice that she’s actually swimming harder in the second video because this stream flows into a power plant down the way. During the day they raise and lower the water level as needed so within a few minutes there was a foot more water in there than we started with, which made it quite a bit harder for Ayla to get in and out…but she still seemed to have lots of fun!