Like it or not, the grim reality behind your normal TV subscription is that it’s taking up a significant portion of your monthly bills and it’ll keep on increasing….unless you do something about it.

If you’re thinking about cutting down the service as the only way to be frugal with the whole thing, it’s not going to work because of one simple reason: it’s still considered a leisure purchase in an average American household, despite the growth of Internet subscription channels like Netflix and Hulu Plus.

In fact, the American time use survey summary published by Bureau of Labor Statistics back in June reveals that everyone age 15 and above are engaged in some sort of leisure activity, and watching TV was the activity that occupied most time (half of all the leisure time spent; almost 2.8 hours each day).

So now that you’ve noticed that cutting the TV service completely is out of the question, here are some practical ways to save money on your service:

photo credit: rockcreek via photopin cc

photo credit: rockcreek via photopin cc

1.  Search for bundles

When you opt to use different companies for home services such as TV subscription, telephone and internet, it translates into a higher price because companies don’t usually offer any price discounts or benefits on single service packages. On the other hand, you can save a significant portion on monthly bills by subscribing to multiple services from a single company like Verizon, AT&T, and Comcast.

Another way to be frugal with the bundle option is to search for promotions on multiple service bundles–like a FiOS promotion code for the Verizon triple play bundle or a U-verse promotion code for AT&T U-verse service. However, note that promos can vary from double play to triple play services, so you should search and select the one that includes the TV service as a part of the bundle. Doing so will result in extra savings.


2.  Talk to the service provider

Only a few cable TV companies are kind enough to offer service improvements or existing package upgrades to customers who pay their bills without any delays, while others don’t care as long as the customers continue to pay without rocking the boat. The latter also offer new channels, promos and free giveaways to attract new customers, without offering the same benefits to existing customers.

Don’t let the same happen to you; pick up your telephone, call your service provider and negotiate for a better deal/service if you’ve been a loyal customer and have never had any defaults on bills. Taking this action may just get you a few months of free service or an upgrade in existing prime TV channels.


3.  Eliminate extras

It’s unlikely that you’ll be watching all the channels provided in your TV service, so you can ask the provider to discontinue the ones that you barely switch to. Also, prime channels aren’t only limited to HBO and Cinemax; they can extend to sports and entertainment channels that you may haven’t heard of before.

These prime offerings are accompanied by extra costs, so you can eliminate them all together. Don’t procrastinate on downgrading or discontinuing extra channels; instead call your service provider today to start saving.

photo credit: samsungtomorrow via photopin cc

photo credit: samsungtomorrow via photopin cc

How do you save on TV services? Feel free to leave comments below.