Hello friends,

As you might have guessed from the latest posts (and the fact that there are new posts every day again), Mom is feeling much better. She barely takes any ibuprofen pills during the day now and has been a cleaning whirlwind for the last few days. The yearly Lantern Festival is coming up and we’re going to be having a few guests (as we do every year since this is town tradition we love celebrating)…plus I heard a rumor that my best friends Steffi and Steffen are coming next week so I can hardly wait.

In my world, that means lots of excitement, hopefully a few romps in the courtyard and lots of belly scratching. But apparently to Mom it means time to get rid of some of the chaos that has gathered around here over the past couple months. Don’t worry, though…Mackenzie and I are making sure she has time to rest and play with us, too.

Anyway, she decided to clean out my toy chest yesterday and found a huge cache of half eaten bones. I must admit I’m a bit of a snob when it comes to bones and if I can’t get down to the tasty stuff in a filled bone before it starts to dry out, I totally lose interest. I’m not a big fan of working for snacks…and rawhide just isn’t my thing at all.

So mom threw a whole bunch of funky old bones out…but for some reason thought I might find this piece of dirt covered bone appealing after showing no interest in it for months.

I’ll admit to having carried it around a lot over the last day…and I tried to give it to some of my stuffed animal friends as well. But there were no takers. I’m hoping she just takes it out of my sight soon so I don’t have to worry about what I should do with it anymore.

Would you eat that thing? Gross.

Until next time,


P.S. As promised, here’s a photo of me in our new car…don’t I look comfy?