I cannot believe the words I am about to type…

Sometime in the very wee hours of Sunday morning, car capers rode down our street and stopped at Stefan’s car.

And then they apparently worked their car theft magic and were probably inside and driving away in about a minute.

Chances are, we’ll never see that BWM 750i ever again.

Stefan is definitely in mourning because he really loved that car. Used or not, it was his favorite car yet. And he’d only had it back for one week after it was in the shop, being repaired due to the damage caused in the accident on our street a couple weeks ago.

Apparently they didn’t want my cute little Defender with it’s cracked tail light (thanks to things that came flying out of the car wreck mentioned above), the torn mud flap that has yet to be replaced and it’s rusty screws that hold it together. They probably thought it was 20 years old from the state of it. But at least the capers left us with one car to drive.

According to the police, BMW 7-series and X5Β  autos are currently being targeted in the Frankfurt area. Thefts totaling over €17 million have been reported so far in the past week. Apparently there’s a very big order out for these BMW’s right now and they’re all being traced via the OnStar-like systems to Poland. But it’s doubtful that the authorities there will actually manage to track these cars down before they are shipped off to who knows where.

BMW dealerships in the area clearly knew that this was going on because one of our friends mentioned that she’d heard from her own BMW dealer in Frankfurt that there had been a lot of thefts lately. Obviously they want the cars to get stolen so they can sell new ones. But really, I think they could have given BMW owners just a small heads up. They send us letters about every useless event that they can conjure up — but not something serious like this.

I have to wonder if maybe iPods are cursed. When we had our major accident, we had an iPod in there. We bought another iPod on our own dime since the insurance didn’t cover the first one…and that was in the BMW last night. It’s also not covered…and we’ve vowed not to buy another one. They just seem to bring bad karma. At least the thieves had some good music to jam out to while they drove like the wind to Poland…

Last night we watched Gone in 60 Seconds in honor of the boost. It’s our favorite movie about car theft EVER. All I have to say now, is “it’s done…it’s finished.”

Ever had a car stolen? This was definitely our first! Although I did have a car very badly vandalized once…