As luck would have it, the one week that “chilly” is the selected topic on YouCapture, we have no frost at all. But since you got to see our frostiness just a couple weeks ago, I guess you’ll have to settled for the signs of the chill in the air instead of the visual proof. It’s been a tad bit warmer than expected around here (for December) but England is about to get hit with some really cold weather, so we’ll see if it’s just on its way to us as a way of reminding us just how nice it’s going to be to spend Christmas in Florida for a change! Again I have to wonder why we moved… 😉

My fleece gloves are a constant sign of how cold I’m feeling. Almost as soon as I leave the house, I have them on. And Mackenzie is starting to realize the value of gloves as well — which I’m very thankful for.  Because little girls with blue fingers are still cute, but just not as special.

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Yesterday Mackenzie through all caution to the wind and went puddle hopping. There are few things in life that she currently enjoys more than puddle jumping. And if it had colder here, it would have been ice puddle jumping — which is different but special all in itself.

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So now, I will go back to my hot cup of Darjeeling and go find my sweater to warm up a bit!

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What have you captured this week? Find your way over to I Should Be Folding Laundry and check out what other chilly shots have been grabbed — and for info about how to join yourself.