What are those nastly little black things?

What are those nastly little black things?

I went out into the garden two days ago and wanted to take some photos of the garden to show you how sad it looked. As you’ve probably noticed, I still have not shared those photos because it’s even sadder than I thought. Our raspberry trellis fell over in...
Foraging for wild garlic

Foraging for wild garlic

Although many things outdoors have begun to whither and die back, some wild herbs are still thriving…and possibly even becoming easier for you to find. Types of wild garlic and chives are one example. Can you spot the clumps of wild garlic in the photo below? I...
Making homemade hand sanitizer

Making homemade hand sanitizer

Cold and flu season is in full swing, and with H1N1 running around all over the place, taking a few extra precautions to keep germs at bay is never a bad thing. I’m not saying you need to bathe yourself and your kids in hand sanitizer every few minutes. Washing...

No greenhouse love for you

When we woke up this morning, we thought we had our weekend all planned out. Get up, feed Mack, walk the dog, down some Burger King (I know, the healthy choice, right?), drop off the dead computer at the PC repair place, and finally visit Hornbach to buy the twin wall...