At one time, the bedroom was simply a place to retire for the night in order to get some sleep. At the very most, people would read a book in order to calm the mind. These days however, technology has become so fixed in our everyday lives that we tend to carry it on in the bedroom.

How often do you lie in your comfortable bed from the Divan Beds Centre and play on your tablet or phone? Do you check your phone when you wake up throughout the night? If like many people the answer to these questions is yes, then you may want to think again.


Smartphones and tablets may be hindering your sleep

If you’re having trouble getting a good night’s sleep, your smartphone or tablet may be to blame. As reported by Bloomberg, scientists at the Harvard Medical School have found that phones and tablets may be fighting off sleep. The cause is the artificial light produced by these devices. It affects the melatonin in the brain which in turn reduces your tiredness.

The trouble is, if you aren’t getting 8 hours sleep a night, it can have a negative impact on your life. You won’t be as alert, focused or happy as you otherwise would be. You’ll also struggle to lose weight. There are all kinds of problems that can crop up due to a lack of sleep.

Even if you don’t use technology in bed, if you use it an hour before you go to sleep it will still cause problems. It isn’t just smartphones and tablets that are the problem either. If you have the TV on in your bedroom before bed this will also be causing trouble for your sleeping pattern. However, as disruptive as technology can be, is it possible to use it to help with sleep?

photo credit: purplemattfish via photopin cc

photo credit: purplemattfish via photopin cc

Can technology be good for sleep?

Whilst using your smartphone and tablet in bed can be detrimental to your sleep, if used correctly it can actually help. Forbes published a great article on technology and its potential sleep benefits. There are actually specialised beds you can purchase which come with built in computers. They monitor your sleep routine and provide feedback in the morning. This allows you to keep track of how much sleep you’re getting and how lifestyle changes can alter your routine. They don’t come cheap, but they can help you to get a handle on the amount of sleep you have.

There are also numerous apps designed to help you drift off. Relaxation apps can help to calm the mind and prepare you for bed. So technology isn’t all bad; you just need to learn how to use it in the correct way. Browsing on your smartphone and catching up with friends in bed is never a good idea. Get into a habit of switching your phone off or at least storing it on the bedside table. You might just be surprised how this small act can make such a big difference to your quality of sleep.


Do you get enough sleep at night? What sort of tweaks have you done to improve your sleep quality?