Slowly but steadily, it is getting hotter, and while the kids may not notice the temperature rise a few degrees, you probably can’t stand to be outside in the sun for more than an hour or so. That means it’s the perfect time of year to tackle some indoor projects.

While you could commit your summer to perfecting your watercolor technique or watching the entirety of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” on Netflix, your home probably could use some TLC. Thus, we humbly present three simple summer projects that organize and enhance your home and your lifestyle.


Clean Out the Fridge and Freezer

You probably wash the dishes and wipe the kitchen counters at least once a day, but can you even remember the last time you looked in the back of the fridge, let alone scrubbed the shelves and drawers? Despite the fact that we rely on our iceboxes every day, most families forget to clean their fridges and freezers until something sticky spills all over ― and sometimes, not even then.

Disassembling and disinfecting the fridge and freezer can take anywhere from about 30 minutes to an entire day. It helps to have many hands on deck to ensure speedy scrubbing. To complete this project, you will need:

  • Large cooler (perhaps more than one, depending on the amount of food)
  • Ice
  • Dish soap
  • Hot water
  • Vinegar
  • Wash cloths and sponges
  • Dish towels
  • Baking soda
  • Toothbrush

Before you start, you must unplug the appliance you intend to clean. Then, empty the fridge or freezer into the cooler, filling spaces with ice from ice trays (or store-bought ice). As you clear each shelf, you can have a helper remove it and scrub it in warm, soapy water after the unit comes to room temperature. With a food-safe cleaning solution (equal parts hot water and vinegar), you can spray the interior space to dissolve and remove food spills; you can attack especially stubborn stains with a toothbrush and baking soda. You should try to wipe down everything with a clean cloth, including the door seal. When you’re done, you should organize your food to make finding ingredients easier. Finally, you can’t forget to plug the appliance back in.


Start Upcycling the Garage

The size of the garage was probably a significant factor in your decision to move into this particular home, but now your cars are parked in the driveway while a bunch of junk takes up your precious storage space. However, with the right attitude, you can both free up space in your garage and create a number of cool, new decorations for your house.

First, you need to be realistic about your possessions. If any stuff in your garage hasn’t seen daylight in years, it is time to get rid of it. Items like the old family boat you never use, outdated technology, obscure holiday decorations, and more can go straight into a pile for donation. Anything in deplorable condition, like water-damaged books and shredded, stained clothing, can probably go straight into the trash. Everything else should fall into a strict organization plan that makes good use of your garage’s vertical space, giving you enough room to pull at least one vehicle inside.

However, before you toss everything in the garbage, you might look into possible upcycling projects that can improve the look and feel of your home. The internet is full of excellent ideas; for example, old car tires make excellent garden décor, and almost anything wooden, including ladders and dresser drawers, can be hung as shelves in kids’ rooms. There is no reason to be wasteful with the junk crowding your garage ― especially not if you can think up a new use for it inside your home.


Straighten Up the Entryway

Some families never even look at the formal entryway to their homes, preferring to come inside through the garage or backyard. Other families treat the entryway like a junkyard, leaving shoes, coats, bags, and other possessions strewn about at all times. In either case, the entryway is perhaps the least-loved section of the house ― but it provides visitors their very first impression of your home, which means it should be clean, clear, and classy.

If you have a coat closet near your entryway, you might find it easier to keep the clutter under control by converting that space into individual lockers for each member of your household. Then, as soon as they step through the door, they can shed their belongings neatly into their hidden spaces. At the very least, you should install hooks and provide attractive baskets to keep items off the floor.

Some other entryway decoration tips include:

  • Paint the walls a warm, bright color to make the space welcoming.
  • Lay a long rug to catch tracked-in dirt and draw guests in.
  • Create a pattern of wall decorations, mixing pictures, mirrors, and more, to engage guests.