There are so many different gadgets and appliances for the kitchen that knowing what ones are actually useful can be complicated. However, taking the time to sort through them and investing in the good stuff is certainly worth it. You can cook better, save time and create new and exciting dishes.

Below, we are going to look at six handy tools for the kitchen that are worth the splurge.

Let’s get started!

High-Quality Knives

Knives come in all different shapes, sizes, and price points. However, while you might be tempted to go with the cheapest option, paying for high-quality is undoubtedly worth it. Not only will they last longer, but chopping and cutting will be a breeze, and preparation time can be greatly reduced. To take it to the next level, a whetstone to keep them in tip-top condition is also a great idea.

Air Fryer

Air fryers are incredible appliances and are one thing that is certainly worth the splurge. Often referred to as a healthier way of cooking, the machine pushes heated air around the food to create delicious crispy goods. Compared to frying in oil, it may cut your calorie intake by up to 70%. From chicken, chocolate chip cookies, egg rolls, and french fries, it can cook almost anything!

Rice Cooker

Getting the perfect rice every single time can be tricky, so there is no shame in getting a little help. A rice cooker takes care of all the hard work for you so that you can spend more time preparing other dishes. However, the best part is, they can actually be used for many other things. You can steam vegetables, slow cook soups, poach fruit, and even make hard-boiled eggs.

Crock Pot/Slow Cooker

Slow cookers are amazing, and you can turn affordable meat cuts into delicious dishes. Like many appliances on this list, they are also incredibly versatile. Alongside your favorite stews, soups, and roasts, you can create mouth-watering desserts. Chocolate brownie, pudding, cobbler, and dumplings, anyone?

Coffee Maker

On average, Americans spend just over $1000 a year on coffee. It certainly is a significant expense, but by making it yourself, you can save hundreds of dollars. There are many different machines you can get but investing in a specialty coffee maker that can create a variety of drinks is worth it. You’ll be making your favorite Starbucks order in no time. Expresso, latte, cappuccino, you name it!

Vacuum Sealer

There are many high-tech gadgets for the kitchen that are great, but a vacuum sealer is a classic tool that is worth every penny. You can keep your food fresh for much longer periods of time and don’t have to worry so much about buying in bulk. Instead of lasting a few days, food can last weeks and even years if you choose to freeze it. Yes, it might take a little bit of extra work, but the savings that come with it are incredible.