Apartments are often the first type of homes you move into as a young person. And apartments are great for when you’re young. They are often located in inner-city suburbs, where you can walk out the door and become immersed in all the eateries, bars, clubs and other trendy locations a city has to offer. An apartment is often an affordable choice of housing as well, whether you rent or buy – perfectly suited for a first job or when you’re studying.

But if you feel like your apartments’ decor and the vibe is reflecting your teenage years rather than young adulthood, it’s probably time for a makeover. Let’s explore seven steps towards a more “mature” apartment.

Upgrade Your Furniture

One way to create a more mature aesthetic in your apartment is to upgrade furniture, like your chest of drawers. Opt for something in a Scandinavian style, or more modern style, rather than antique style. Maturity doesn’t have to mean old-looking, but trendy and in fashion.

Reassess Your Artwork and Decor

What sort of art do you have on the walls? If your walls are bare or contain less mature decorations (like posters and the like), consider upgrading to some modern art designs. You can even get out and support a local artist or gallery when you’re shopping for art.

The same applies to your decor. Shop around online or at interior design and decoration stores for some more mature decor. Get some inspiration on sites like Pinterest or Houzz.

Your Bathroom Matters

How your bathroom appears will reflect maturity. Consider things like your hand soap dispenser, choice of hand towels, window dressings, and the general tidiness of the space. Grown-up bathrooms are sparse, contain just what they need and are free of clutter.


Apartments that reflect maturity are clean, tidy and neat. If your apartment looks more like a student’s retreat or a party house, time to tidy up. Ensure everything has its own space, and that you keep benches and other surfaces free of clutter. You don’t have to go full minimalist, but try and declutter when and where you can.

Get a Green Thumb

Houseplants are a great way to announce to the world that you have entered adulthood. House plants are proven to benefit your wellbeing, as well as keeping your air full of oxygen.

Bonus points if you can keep them alive, too. To begin with, opt for easy to maintain plants then broaden out as you get some experience and develop a green thumb.

Update Your Kitchen

The kitchen and dining area is the hub of the home. Sometimes a more mature apartment can mean that you have actual food in your cupboard and fridge instead of instant noodles and sugary cereal.

But your choice of utensils, pots, pans and other kitchen accessories also matters. You shouldn’t have to go super expensive here, but decent quality items will make a statement.

Have A Space to Entertain

Mature people have other mature people over to entertain. Apartments are often compact, but when you have people over carve out a space to entertain. Even if it’s your loungeroom, make it appealing by serving a cheese platter with some decent wine.

Summing Up

It’s possible to make your apartment more mature. First, upgrade your furniture. Next, reassess your artwork and decorations. Consider your bathroom and things like hand towels and soap dispensers. Make sure your space is uncluttered and tidy, and think about if your kitchen seems mature. Finally, create space to entertain every so often, and serve mature snacks like a cheese platter.