It hit me recently that I really like survivalist movies. I never really noticed the theme before but we were trying to find a movie to watch and considering our collection…and realized that a big section of our favorite movies are about people surviving in the worst of situations:

  • Resident Evil Trilogy
  • 28 Days/Weeks/Months Later
  • The Die Hard series
  • Pitch Black
  • The Day After Tomorrow
  • Independence Day

Sure there are a whole lot of other factors involved in those movies like mass disease, zombies and terrorists – but in the end, it’s just about being prepared for whatever may come and doing your best to survive.

Considering the current situation of the world and economy, it’s not a bad idea to start thinking about your own personal survival plan. You don’t have to go quite as extreme as Burt in Tremors, but it’s never a bad idea to keep some cash on hand, a few weeks worth of food and other basic supplies. And if the worst never comes, at least you’ll have a stash of things in case you lose your job suddenly, fall ill or maybe need to help someone else out. Some people might go as far as keeping a year’s worth of food and basics at home – the choice is yours and can depend heavily on your own resources as well as the space you have to store everything.

We’ve all recently seen just how quickly the supply chain can break down when a natural disaster occurs…and when truckers go on strike as they did in Spain. Your local stores only keep so much on hand and you can’t always depend on someone else to bail you out when the going gets tough. So do yourself and your family a favor – start considering some of the “what if’s.” It may just be the best decision you ever make.