Today was a pretty long day. We went to see the house at 10 am this morning and met with an architect while we were there. He was pretty much useless which is always great for someone making €150 an hour and we could have done without him being there altogether. But we are still very “into” the house & it still seems to be “the one” after seeing one other place that didn’t even come close.

Afterwards was a company picnic for Stefan’s office. There were 40 adults & something like 60 kids there…plus 5 dogs. It looked a bit like a kid’s birthday party when you got down to it but they were definitely enjoying themselves & we also did except for someone’s wireydachshundd (or whatever they call them with the longer fur which is rather rough) who took a liking to Ayla and made it a point not to be derailed from his purpose of trying to procreate with her despite height complications & her not being in heat lol.

We also had to be very careful with Ayla & a little 4 month old Jack Russell. They seemed to want to play together but the owner of the dog told me that one of her neighbors had a small dog also and the dog was playing with a bigger dog one day when the big dog stepped on the little dog’s leg & snapped it in two. So needless to say we were not wanting anything like that to happen & had to do our best to keep the two mostly separated since the Jack Russell constantly laid on her back when Ayla was near & that encouraged Ayla to sort of chew on her feet & snout…no clue what that was all about but we weren’t liking it. But for the most part, Ayla was really well behaved & we thankfully didn’t have any problems with kid or dog interactions.