Condo living allows a person to own their own home without the outside upkeep that is involved with traditional home ownership. As with any dwelling, there are certain risks associated with living in a condominium. Knowing the potential risks will allow condo owners to be proactive and protect themselves against injuries. Continue reading to explore the 7 potentially dangerous items you likely have lying around your condo.
1. Stove
Most condos have a stove in the kitchen area and this appliance can cause injuries. Not only can a person get burned on a stove, but they can also experience a fire that could cause the total destruction of their condo. In addition to these dangers, gas stoves can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning in a condo. According to the CDC,carbon monoxide can build up in condos that are not adequately vented.
2. Stairs
Most condos have stairs that allow the occupants to reach the upper levels of the condo. Some condos contain multiple floors and more than one staircase. The National Safety Council advises homeowners to ensure there are safety rails installed on all staircases. A loose rail can pose a great danger, so the rails should be checked regularly for any signs of damage.
3. Sharp Objects
Most homes have many sharp objects that can pose a risk for injuries. Knives and scissors in the kitchen and razors in the bathroom can all cause serious injuries. Practicing caution during use and making sure these items are kept out of the reach of children is essential for the prevention of serious accidentsthat could prove fatal.
4. Chemicals
Cleaning supplies, soaps, and other chemical substances can pose a risk for poisoning. Children and pets are especially at risk for exposure to chemicals because they could ingest them and become gravely ill. All chemical products should be kept locked away in a cabinet where they cannot be reached by children or pets. Even adults can be injured by chemicals if they do not use them appropriately.
5. Bathtubs
The bathroom is considered one of the most dangerous areas in a condo. Most condo bathrooms are on the small side and they can sometimes be difficult to maneuver. A slippery bathtub can lead to falls that could bring on great injuries. It is important to use tread-safe linings in tubs and showers. It is also imperative safety rugs are put in place to prevent wet floors.
6. Electricity
The electricity flowing through a condominium is considered a necessity by most owners, but it can cause damages and the risk for injuries. Electrical problems can also lead to fires. It is wise for condo owners to make sure they purchase Condo insurance massachusetts, so they can rest assured their condo will be properly covered, should any damages occur due to fires.
7. Window blinds
Pets and small children are both in danger when it comes to window blinds. The cords that adjust the blinds can become wrapped around the neck of a child or pet, causing them to asphyxiate. Keeping these cords out of reach is essential. Some condo owners choose to remove these cords or keep them wrapped up tightly, away from children and pets.Although condo life is certainly relaxing and beneficial to many people, it does have risks that can be dangerous. Look around your condo today and check for any surprise dangers it may house. Proper maintenance and protection can go a long way towards preventing injuries.