Have you been running around a lot more often these days? Are you starting to feel more uptight and stressed than usual? Then today’s guest post is for you! Gemma, the auther, is a working mom of two who often finds the work/life balance difficult to manage. For her, blogging is a way to get a little ‘me’ time, but she also can’t resist the odd shopping trip!

Women these days can have it all; kids, a career and a home. But with all this can come a great deal of stress. Balancing the different aspects of our lives can be difficult and it often feels like there just aren’t enough hours in the day.

However, being able to manage all your commitments effectively means you simply have to take some time out for yourself every now and again. There’s no point burning the candle at both ends – nobody wants a stressed-out mommy!

Although it may seem difficult to beat the stress, there are things you can do to achieve this. It can be tempting to try and take on everything yourself, but this often isn’t possible. Have a chat with your partner to see if there’s a way of sharing out the housework more evenly, or ask the grandparents if they would mind having the kids for a couple of days a week. You might even want to consider cutting down on some hours at work. All of these things will help free up a little time for yourself.

photo credit: @Doug88888 via photopin cc

photo credit: @Doug88888 via photopin cc

This isn’t something you should feel guilty about. If you’re spending time with the kids 24/7 and need a little adult conversation, then get a babysitter in for the night and have dinner with the girls.  Many women also pursue spiritual calm by trying yoga or meditation classes. As well as looking after yourself mentally, looking after yourself emotionally and physically is just as important. Exercise is a great stress reliever, and if you only have a little time on your hands, a quick jog or walk around the block is an easy way to lift your mood and even shed a few pounds.

Don’t be afraid to admit to feeling stressed. You only have one pair of hands! Taking a little time out for yourself doesn’t mean you need to neglect your kids or your housework, particularly if you have friends or family members who are able to take some of the burden. Spending the afternoon getting your hair done or going for a quick shopping trip is not the end of the world and can actually do you the world of good. This is especially important during the high-stress holiday times when moms take more tasks than usual.

Many women suffer from a lack of confidence after having children, as they feel they can’t spend as much time on their appearance. Having a manicure or buying a new outfit may give you a confidence boost as well as giving you a little ‘me’ time.

photo credit: jronaldlee via photopin cc

photo credit: jronaldlee via photopin cc

Feeling happier in yourself means that you can be the best mom possible to your kids. There are always going to be times when we feel overworked and stressed out but try to find a balance if you can. Don’t automatically say yes to every favour someone asks you and don’t feel guilty if you need a little time for yourself every now and again!