The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control reports that each year, about 120,000 babies are born with a birth defect. While we ourselves aren’t planning to have any more children, we have lots of friends who are still trying and considering. But with each year that passes, we all know there are more and more difficulties that can arise with having babies… especially as we grow closer to 40 years old!

Unlike when we were kids several decades ago, parents are now being offered prenatal screening test options to assess the risk that their baby may have a genetic condition. Noninvasive prenatal tests use a simple blood draw from the mother, and are performed without the risks of invasive procedures. These tests allow expectant parents to have more information regarding the pregnancy.

Ultrasound Of Baby

One advantage of opting for these tests is that it gives parents the time they need to prepare for the birth of their child if extra care is needed. The parents may also have time to build a care team and form a relationship with these healthcare providers before their child is even born.

However, according to a recent study, the risk that a child may develop a genetic condition (or the news that your child does have a genetic condition) can have a significant emotional effect on the parents of the child, and may cause anxiety and worry.


Address Your Emotions with a Genetic Counselor

Speaking with a genetic counselor may help you define the emotions you feel around prenatal testing, and emotions that you may feel when you receive the results. Genetic counselors are professionally trained individuals in counseling and medical genetics.

Working with a therapist may also help you understand emotions and how to move forward with the information that you are given.


Seek Support

There are numerous families who have been through the process of prenatal testing willing to share their experiences, and to offer support to families who are new to the process.

Write down any questions that you may have, and try contacting genetic counselors or support groups for answers.

Pregnant Women

Learn More About Your Child’s Condition

There are many resources on genetic conditions and chromosomal abnormalities. Learning more about your child’s condition will help you further understand what it is and what it means for your child. Educating yourself also gives you confidence in knowing how to give your child the best life possible. Children with all kinds of genetic conditions live fulfilling and productive lives.

Speak with your healthcare provider or genetic counselor if you have any questions regarding prenatal testing or are considering your options. Ask for resources to help manage emotions that come along with the testing process. With the right resources and information, you can prepare to have a safe and healthy pregnancy and find the support you need throughout the process.

Whatever your results may be, know that you are never alone in this world. Thanks to the Internet, the world has become much smaller and more closely connected. So even those affected by rare conditions can find support online.