Ayla just about caused me to have heart failure a few minutes ago. For some reason, she decided now would be a good time to go explore upstairs and I completely forgot that the bathroom upstairs has about an inch of fresh cement on the floor to level it out…and there is no door or anything else to prevent the dog from going in the room. Yes, I should have been thinking more and the contractor probably would have not been out of line to remind me before he left about the floor but whatever.

So Ayla got into the room and this is what happened to the floor…

Thankfully the contractor just laughed when we called. He said it was no big deal and not to worry about it at all. He’ll take care of things tomorrow, smooth it out a bit since the cement should still be rather wet and then put the glue over it. Since it will be about a centimeter of glue on top of there anyway, a few little dents shouldn’t screw it all up. Thank God…once again she screws things up but not to a point where it’s irreparable…amazing lol.