Ever wanted to build a custom bed for your dog? Or maybe you don’t like the way most harnesses fit your dog and want a custom one? Or perhaps you need a Newfie-sized raincoat for your pooch? Well, look no further than www.make-and-build-dog-stuff.com.

This site was shared while people were talking about building a treadmill for their Newfies, something that is hard to find, very expensive and unfortunately not easily customizable from an old treadmill for humans. For those with very hot and humid climates, taking your dog out can be very dangerous – but a treadmill will still keep them active (assuming you can get them to use it – I would suggest dangling something tasty on a string lol).

The site also includes instructions to build agility courses (under Exercise Equipment), houses, kennels, wheelchairs, carts, toys, treats, costumes and more. So if you’re looking for a place to find instructions on building just about anything dog related, check this site out.