I haven’t talked much about the pregnancy lately, and I do want to have part of this blog be about becoming a mom, so I guess it’s about time for an update. All has been going well with the pregnancy and although I have had a few days where I wasn’t feeling 100% good, I really haven’t had much to complain about.

Ultrasound of Mackenzie from August 4th, 2008

Ultrasound of Mackenzie from August 4th, 2008

So far everything is on schedule and looking good with Mackenzie. She is growing at the right rates and has me eating every hour or so now. I have the feeling that I’ll be eating all the time by the end of this pregnancy which should be interesting. But thankfully it’s all going to the belly right now and shockingly she seems to love fruits and veggies so I’m glad I won’t pack on too many pounds. I am actually planning to start running after she arrives to get back in shape – which for me is about like saying I’m going to climb Mt. Everest because I really am not a fan of running. But I won’t be entering any marathons or anything like that so no need to call the men with the white jackets just yet.

We’re going to visit one of the two hospitals we are considering in our little town tomorrow. The other we’ll see next week. I was also planning to visit the Geburtshaus Frankfurt (a birthing house) to see what the experience might be like there and because they offer a child prep class in English – but it’s full already and I found out we can’t do the stem cell retrieval there either so it frees up an evening for us.

I had a bit of a rough day emotionally yesterday. Kinda felt like the world was against me. I was baking zucchini bread and knocked a jar off special volcanic salt off a shelf (a birthday present for Stefan from one of his friends this year which we hadn’t even had the chance to try). Of course it broke everywhere and for some reason really affected me. Thankfully Stefan was around to finish off the bread which, as mentioned, turned out awesome. I had an email in my inbox this morning (one of them from Babycenter.com or Fit Pregnancy or something) that tells you what is going on each week of your pregnancy. It actually mentioned that I may feel more depressed this week but that I should snap out of it soon…I felt like my normal self today again, though, so hopefully it was just temporary insanity.

In addition, I just couldn’t seem to stop myself from being evil every chance I got and bit off Stefan’s head as soon as he opened his mouth. He called me on it and I still couldn’t manage to stop doing it even though I really didn’t want to be that way. This of course made me feel like crap because I don’t want Mackenzie to have to deal with this also…so maybe writing about it and acknowledging it will make a difference. I know pregnant women have a lot more excuse to be moody…but it still doesn’t make it right.