Princess has found a new favorite watching perch for herself. From the railing around the bottom flight of stairs, Prince can sit and watch what is going on with the puppy whether she is playing, in her crate sleeping, terrorizing us, eating something she shouldn’t be or whatever else might be occurring.

The cats are still taking their time about not attacking Ayla whenever they see her. They are more inclined now to come downstairs when she is sleeping somewhere and seem to know exactly what the sound of her crate latches mean as they are usually downstairs within minutes of her being put in lock down. Now if only we could get them to stop growling and hissing if the dog comes near we would be in business. It would be one thing if the dog noticed them, that I can understand…but why provoke her if she doesn’t even see you? But perhaps that is all part of the fun for them as well 😉