The age of the smart home may not entirely be here yet, but it’s clear that that’s where we’re headed. The flawless integration and interaction of technology and the home of the average person is soon going to become a norm, and thankfully so. It’s a grim fact to mention, but as technology progresses, it progresses for everyone, and that goes the same for the bad guys. Unscrupulous people are getting more and more tech-savvy and their modus operandi more complex.

As homeowners, it’s an unwritten edict that we should be charged with the responsibility of ensuring the security of our home as well as the people who live in it. And what better way to combat tech than with tech? Luckily for us, there are a lot of companies that develop security measures that integrate seamlessly with your smart home. Though it’s important to never forget the basics, a lot of these security systems will more than likely require the help of a professional electrician to install properly. These are some of the more effective technological developments in home security to help secure your home better.

Remote Arming

Forgetting to lock the front door when you leave is a disaster waiting to happen. But what about the other means of entry? Well, how about a one-touch-locks-all solution? Apart from the actual security, you also get peace of mind that your house is secure even as you sip on your tropical drink of choice miles away on vacation.

IoT Integration

A lot of smart homes come equipped with a multitude of security cameras, both indoor and outdoor. And while these are in themselves respectable security features, they are limited by their locality. But with the Internet of Things, these cameras become more than just surveillance equipment, they become part of a more holistic security system.

Because of smart home integration, security cameras will have the ability to directly notify you of any suspicious activity, whether you’re taking a luxurious bath in your tub, or you’re doing overtime at work. Some systems even integrate with your doorbell, wherein a live feed of your front door can be viewed directly on your smartphone once the doorbell is pressed.

But this tech can do so much more. Future iterations could potentially have the ability to automatically contact local law enforcement once suspicious activity is confirmed, which can be assessed by artificial intelligence.


Drone Security

While drone flying is a popular hobby, drones can become much more than toys and photography/videography equipment. Automated drones that fly on a set patrol path will soon become a basic security feature for those who can afford it. And that isn’t as far-fetched as you might think — in fact, it’s already in use by police departments. Some drones may even come equipped with mounted tasers that will definitely help in neutralizing threats.

Even if the bad guys do get their hands on some tech, you can rest easy knowing that security companies won’t leave you hanging. With all these technological developments, it’s pretty hard to miss out on a few of these security measures, especially with how easy it is to access the Internet. Stay informed and stay safe.