In the last couple of years, I’m sure you’ve heard about The Secret. Maybe you’ve watched the DVD or read the book; maybe you’ve done both. Or maybe you’ve just picked up the pieces of the concept from other people and media. Although I’ve had the DVD sitting on my shelf for well over a year now, Stefan and I finally watched it this weekend after he came back from a hypnotherapy session. His client was raving about The Secret, telling him how great the movie was and that he’d bring him a copy of the book. So when I mentioned that we actually had the DVD, we made sure to find some time to watch it.
The secret of The Secret is not really anything earth shattering: it’s based on the Law of Attraction which says that whatever you think about you will attract to yourself. So if you wake up in the morning and immediately start thinking about how much you hate your job, your life, your dog, whatever…you’re only going to bring more dislike into your life. You’ll stub your toe, find out you ran out of coffee, slip in dog puke, be late to work, etc. Because as you’ve probably noticed, when your day starts off rough, it often gets rougher. It’s not because the world is against you, but because you’re projecting a horrible attitude and attracting more displeasure to yourself.
If, on the other hand, you wake up feeling great about the day, telling yourself that things are going to be wonderful today, that you’ll have no traffic on your way to work or you’re going to have lots of sales today, that is what is going to happen. If you want to be successful, you have to think about success and begin to live as if it is coming to you. That does not mean run out and buy a Ferrari. But you CAN start window shopping for your future purchase when the success has manifested itself. If you want to be healthy or cure your body, begin to think as if it was never there. You are healthy, your body is strong and perfect, you are going to live a long and wonderful life. You want rain? Start carrying your umbrella.
Same may scoff at the idea that simply thinking positively could possibly do any good. But long before I heard about The Secret or the Laws of Attraction I was concentrating on the good and leaving out the bad. For starters, why would you want to focus on all the negativity anyway? Does it really do any good to punish yourself or bring up past failures? Do you think athletes like Lance Armstrong go out there thinking they are going to fail? Hell no! They visualize winning the race, being the best, making new records and feeling great during and after the process.
When we began looking for our farmhouse, we didn’t even know what we wanted. We looked at all sorts of houses, new and old, in all regions of Frankfurt for about 2 years. I don’t even know how many places we looked at but it must have been close to 100. Then we saw a farm similar to our own and realized that was what we wanted. We started thinking about everything we wanted the place to have, it’s character, good location…and BAM–there it was. The house had been sitting on the market for over 1 year and was just waiting for us to come along. Needless to say we got a great price on it that way too.
Think about positivity in relation to a child. Most kids hardly hear the word no, unless they are in danger of hurting themselves. So they think they can do anything. And often times, they blow our minds when they actually do those things which we thought they couldn’t yet do. Crawling, walking, talking, self-feeding, etc. The more you tell a child they can’t do something, the more they start to believe you. It works the same way with what kids eat. If they constantly hear, “Oh, babies don’t eat ___________” (fill in the blank with mushrooms, vegetables, meat, etc and they will definitely stop eating those things.
Want to read more about people who have made The Secret work for their lives? Check out these success stories. People have healed themselves of cancer, deadly infections and even learned to walk, talk and function again after accidents that left them in a nearly vegetative state. People have been close to starvation, poverty and despair; but with positive thinking they managed to turn their lives around.
I think 2010 is a year of amazing things to come. And I want everyone I know to be able to have joy, success and prosperity in this year and all those to come. Am I saying you’re going to become a multi-millionaire overnight? Not likely. But sometimes wealth isn’t measured by your income–it’s about appreciating, loving and enjoying those things you have in your life already. It’s about restoring failed relationships or letting go of pain. It’s about learning to provide for yourself and your family while escaping the holds of the big bad corporations. It’s about freedom…just like this blog.
What are you celebrating in your life right now? What are you going to start drawing to yourself with positive thoughts? I’m attracting organization in my home and success selling overage on ebay, money to start flowing into my companies, happiness and health for my family, and even more.
I’m so glad you wrote this. This past year I’ve opened myself to Law of Attraction ideas and thinking and I have to say, it’s been a really, really remarkable and expansive year. Among other things, I managed to “call into” my life love, a German boyfriend (it might be funny to some people, but after my travels in Europe and meeting Europeans, I really wanted a European guy), and living in Germany. I think it’s really powerful stuff, and one really can have what one wants in life – and the universe has a way of bringing about those things. I think one of the greatest things I’ve learned is that we “pull in” and create our own circumstances, good or bad, depending on how we view and approach life.
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Lost in Translation =-.
Good for you!! I love hearing about people that have started using the Law of Attraction. It’s so simple once you get the hang of it but it really can be quite a challenge at first. I still have trouble at times to focus on the positive in daily events…it’s just so easy to get caught up in the crazy. But it definitely worked for my pregnancy and we have the best little girl ever. Every time people start complaining about giving birth or things like that, I just don’t even know how to respond since everything was fantastic for me. And I read updates about friends on facebook and their emails and they are just SO negative about life. I just wish I could make them understand that they hold the power to totally make their life different.
The one thing about the Secret and all its hype, is that it never addresses the fact that you can not WISH. You must choose, commit, focus, visualize, but also ACT. You need to do something on your own behalf.
I wish everyone would be introduced to the works of Napoleon Hill.
Focus on the positive, not in negative terms, and be specific.
.-= DogsMom´s last blog ..Friday Foggy Fireworks =-.