Today we tackled the slug situation in our yard again. We are getting started with planting and building the greenhouse and there is no room for the slimy mess that has been stealing our tender little salad plants. When we went into the garden today, all I could say was: “Welcome to the killing fields!” We were greeted by beer traps full of the slimy salad assassins.

From there we went on to the wooden boards we had laid out across the yard to hand pick the slugs that had accumulated there over night. A website we came across recommended hand picking and then dropping them in a soap water solution and that pretty quickly took care of the smaller ones. Apparently the bigger ones need to soak little while before they meet their maker, though. When we poured them out later, some of them tried to crawl away so wee had to bring out the heavy ammo – salt. I know it’s inhumane but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

We think our strategy may already be working. We also set out corn meal traps this morning and when we checked the yard this afternoon we didn’t really find any more slugs – perhaps it was the warmth of the afternoon and they all went into hiding or we may be making a dent into the population. Only time will tell.