Last week, we experienced our first real snow in Berlin. Mack could not have been any happier or excited…
Every day, she wanted to go out and play in it until our fingers were numb…whether it was making snow angels…
or little snow men. (And let me say that now that this snowman has nearly melted away, she is going crazy every morning when she goes to check on him and less and less of him remains.)
Seeing her that excited and happy really spread to all of us. And since we’ve not exactly been infected with Christmas cheer just yet (despite the holidays being just around the corner) it was awesome to be able to share her enthusiasm. Kids still manage to get excited about the little things in life ….and that’s something we adults often let us pass by, even though we really, REALLY shouldn’t! We all need those little things as well to get us through the days and weeks!
So my challenge for you today and every day….
Find your own happy place…and own it!
Source: via Tiffany on Pinterest