It can often seem like there is too much water in the world; especially after an unexpectedly wet winter. In some ways, this isn’t surprising. The planet is 71% water!

But do you ever think about how all this water gets to your home? You turn on the tap and assume clean water will come out.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Many homes rely on water filters to ensure the water they have is safe to drink.

Many other people have to walk miles every day to get their water and still face the risk of dangerous diseases.


Understanding The Water Cycle

Water operates on a cycle. It collects in oceans, lakes and even rivers. When the sun is out it will heat this water; effectively boiling the top layer although you would never notice it if you’re in the water!

Just like boiling water at home the suns turns the water into steam; it becomes a gas.

This hot gas rises into the air until it reaches air which is cool enough to restore its liquid state. This is when it becomes a cloud.

Water molecules bond to each other until there are too many, they become too heavy for the air to support and fall back to earth; as rain.

This rain then hits the ground and finds its way back to the lakes and reservoirs.

The result is a seemingly endless supply of water; although only 1% of the Earth’s water is fresh!

The Problem With Water

This water travels through soil and rock to get back to the reservoirs. In the process it will be contaminated by the substances it touches. This can be minerals and pollutants.

The water that collects in the reservoir may be safe to drink but it may also be filled with harmful bacteria and chemicals.

This is why the water treatment work then processes the water through massive filters.

These remove the debris and many of the minerals. Chemicals are then added to ensure the bacteria are killed; making the water safe to drink.

The water treatment plant will check the water every day to ensure it reaches the necessary standard. It is then pumped to your home.


Is It Safe?

You’d be forgiven for thinking this was safe to drink.

Unfortunately, the water that leaves the plant is not necessarily the same quality as the water at your tap.

Water travels through pipes to reach your home. These pipes can corrode internally adding debris to your water. They can also have tiny splits which go unnoticed. These splits allow pollutants and bacteria in.

Unless you are testing your water every day and comparing it to the water board results you won’t know what extras are in your water.

There is also concern among health professionals regarding the effects of the chemicals that the water treatment companies add. Chlorine is one of the biggest concerns.

While it is effective at killing bacteria it has also been linked to a number of health issues; including respiratory illness.


The Solution

Don’t simply take the water that comes from your tap for granted! It is better to invest in a good quality water filter system. This will give you peace of mind that the chemicals added by the water board are removed.

It will also help to ensure that any unexpected additions on the rote to your house are removed. The problem with many of the heavy metals or pollutants that can sneak in is that they cause damage over the long term. Once you realize it’s too late to rectify the issue.

Your water comes from the earth and is treated to help make it safe; but it pays to do your bit to make sure this really is the case.