ayla's thoughtsHey friends!

What’s going on? Is it raining nonstop where you are too? It’s been nothing but drizzle, rain and more drizzle here. Totally disgusting. Today we finally have some sunshine but when it’s raining, I just don’t even want to go for a walk. To be honest, I barely want to go outside at all in the rain. When I come back in, I have to stand and wait to be toweled off (which feels like it takes YEARS) and I’m still soaking wet afterwards.

Mom tried to take me for a walk in the rain yesterday. She got dressed, had the baby ready, opened the front door and I just looked at her and said with my eyes, “Um, no way. Thanks, but no thanks.” She persisted and went to put the baby in her stroller; I just laid down in the front door and wouldn’t budge. No walks are required in the rain. I used to tolerate it when I was a puppy and in the summer I like to lay in the nice cooling rain. But these days, I’m not going out in the stuff if I can avoid it.

Over the weekend, when it stopped raining briefly, I was out walking with the family and we met a little terrier of some sort in the street. He started barking from across the street already and came running up to me, looking like he was ready to fight. I just stood there, waiting to see what was going to happen.

He gets within a foot of me, and all the sudden he realizes, “Woah, that’s a HUGE dog! Are you sure it’s not a bear?!” And he scampers a couple feet away, throws himself on the ground and starts screaming like I’ve just tried to eat him. I mean the thought did cross my mind since he was making a whole lot of noise. But to be honest, I just found his little game rather strange.

I guess objects seen from across the road appear smaller than they really are. Cause when he got close, he was stunned. Maybe he thought he would run over and intimidate me, perhaps send me crying back to the humans. But I seriously only looked at him (he never got close enough to fully sniff) and he was done for.

Maybe I smell bad? I do kinda need a bath –the humans have been talking about that lately, especially since we have people coming for Thanksgiving dinner next weekend. Or maybe he caught a glimpse of something in my eyes that said, “Don’t mess with my family or you will pay. I am not afraid to sit on you either”

Ayla i mean business

Either way, everyone seemed to think it was pretty funny when he threw himself down and yelled, “Don’t eat me! Don’t eat me!” I just wanted him to hurry up and be quiet so I could get home to a big bowl of water and a cold floor to nap on.

Anything exciting happen on your walks this week? Are there colorful leaves all over the ground yet? Most of our trees here have lost the majority of their leaves. Snow can’t be far off!

Until next time,
