Well it looks like we’ll manage to survive our first work week at home and we’re hitting the 9 weeks old mark. Hopefully this will make training a little easier on everyone and perhaps we can retain a few more things as well, although I won’t really have my hopes up until about 3 months. At least then the vaccinations are done so we can start obedience class and start going out in public with her and doing other fun stuff that we can’t do now. She’s already got “sit” and “come” down pretty well – especially when treats are being used to motivate. She’s also doing pretty well with the housebreaking. We had one accident this morning but otherwise it’s been all good thus far. She even seems to be catching on when we say “hurry up” but perhaps that is just us being hopeful ๐Ÿ˜‰

The morning has gone pretty well so far. We did our new morning routine without recrating her and she was still pretty wound up this morning. Basically just took her outside and let her do her thing. We haven’t mastered the difference between going out to play and to potty yet (I know it’s likely to be a few more months before we get this concept) and we also want to eat the leash whenever it’s on so I just let her run free and hope she doesn’t start eating dirt, digging in the yard or pulling up too much grass. She is such a maniac in the mornings but that’s pretty understandable since she has had all night to recharge her batteries.

After breakfast, things calmed down considerably. At about 7:30 it started becoming clear that she was really tired but she just refused to give in to it. And just as she was about to crash, Princess came down the stairs meowing at me and of course Ayla bolted upright trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. Eventually Ayla got the message that Princess wasn’t interested in becoming a playmate or chewtoy so Ayla laid back down and eventually found her way to doggy napland. Perhaps she didn’t get enough sleep either last night because she seems to be sleeping a bit more than usual this morning…or maybe I just wore her out more than usual between naps so she’s got lots of catching up to do.

We spent a few hours outside also. It’s pretty cool outside but very sunny and she was enjoying being in the shade. The cats even came to check things out. Ayla has given new meaning to the words “bed of ivy.” We’ll see how long it all survives. Hubby’s interjection when I said she’ll probably kill it all…”I hate the stuff anyways.” lol

Ayla ivy bed

Since she seemed a bit warm, she also got to have an ice stick which only took her a few minutes to devour.

Ayla ice fun

Ayla didn’t seem to want to fall asleep out there so I decided to bring her inside to see if we could get a nap in. Once again she really didn’t seem to want to give in and kept walking around, playing with some toys but you could see her heart wasn’t in it. I finally got her to lay down at my feet and she’s barely moved in the past 30-45 minutes…we’ll how long this nap lasts. Maybe she felt she didn’t enough sleep last night either lol. Even though I know I’m getting 6.5 hours, it seems like it’s just gone in a flash. Should be interesting to see how long she lets us sleep tomorrow. I know we probably shouldn’t get her out of the normal routine (and she may not let us anyway) but when the option to sleep just a little bit later is there (say 6:00 vs. 5:30) and it doesn’t disrupt her eating pattern, then I’m all for it. ๐Ÿ˜‰