Last night, I thought for a few moments that Ayla had broken my nose.

Pretty good opener right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

I was sitting on the couch and watching some TV with hubby when Ayla came up and wanted to play. She has a rope toy which has two balls with little round bumpy things all over the balls. It doesn’t look as menacing as it sounds, I can assure you. Ayla brought the toy over and wanted me to throw it for her. So I made her sit, she finally dropped the toy and I threw it for her. We repeated this pattern a few times and I apparently wasn’t all that focused on her because she came over to the couch & started swinging the toy around…and smashed me in the nose with one of the balls. They are somewhat soft plastic but when one of those comes flying at you at Newf-force, you better watch out.

My absolute first instinct was, “Is there any blood?” But since hubby didn’t seem to be panicking much, I figured it must be ok. I wanted to feel the bone to see if it was broken in any way, but the pain was so great that I couldn’t do anything but cry. Hubby went and got me an ice pack in hopes that if anything was broken there wouldn’t be much swelling. And after about 15 minutes, my nose started to feel mostly normal again.

Nothing appears to be broken, thank God, but it is still a bit sore this morning. There’s also no bruising or anything like that…so once again the injury she’s given me can be (almost) forgotten in a few weeks…or months lol.

She’s been playing a bit rougher than usual again so we figure she’s going into another growth spurt. She didn’t put on much weight in the last month but she does seem to have gotten bigger. I guess we’ll know soon enough when she returns to her sweet self again.