We took Ayla out for her evening walk and as usual ran into some other people walking dogs along the way. Most of the time people may pause to chat casually and ask about the dog (everyone loves a puppy after all and when there are only around 2,500 people in your community they all tend to know each other after a while) . Some just keep on walking with hardly any acknowledgement.

As we walked along we came across a dog sort of like Eddie on the TV show, Frasier. I am the worst about dog breeds and probably get most of them wrong the majority of the time so perhaps I should invest in a wall chart so I can start identifying some of the breeds around here. But it was definitely a member of the terrier group and Ayla easily surpassed him in size. The owner and dog just walked on without saying anything.

Then we came across another dog just like it and found it rather amusing that we’d come across two of the same dogs in one evening walking just minutes behind each other. The human attending this dog was an older woman who informed us that she was dog sitting for her son & daughter-in-law while they were on vacation. Ayla took a liking to this little guy and apparently wanted to show him who the boss was by putting her paw on his back. He was a good natured little fellow though and more interested in digging up something in the grass than playing with her. The woman informed us that the dog who we’d run into first was named Apollo and his owner didn’t like him playing with other dogs. We all agreed that this was the wrong attitude to have but she light-heartedly informed us that it was ok that he felt that way since it wouldn’t be practical for Zeus and Apollo to play together anyway. We almost fell over laughing when we heard this little guy’s name. Zeus and Apollo, both the same breed, about a year apart in age and we ran into them both in one night.