Summer is coming quickly and with it the need to create that perfect backyard garden. Backyard gardens are becoming more and more popular as people decide to try to save on the cost of groceries and grow some of their own food. However, with growing a backyard garden comes the dreaded pests that are want to eat your hard-earned labors before you even have a chance to taste them. One of the biggest pests associated with homegrown gardens is gophers. If you are having a hard time keeping the gophers away this summer, read on below for a few top tips to help you keep your garden gopher free!

Call in Professional Pest Control

The word gopher refers to any animal that burrows underground and destroys your garden or lawn. Trying to remove these pests yourself can be dangerous, so it’s really best to call in professional pest control, such as Joshua’s Pest Control in order to take care of the problem quickly and safely for you and the pest in question. The pest control service has an effective way to remove the gopher from your property and prevent them from coming back as well.


Use Poison Bait

Using poison bait is also an option that will rid your garden of gophers. You simply find the main tunnel and put out the poison. However, this poison is going to be harmful to other wildlife and family pets as well. You also need to be sure that it doesn’t get on any food in your garden and wash the food completely before you eat any of it.


Set Up Barriers

It is possible to prevent the gophers from encroaching on your property to begin with. This can be achieved by setting up underground fences that will stop them from getting through to the garden. They will soon get sick of trying and move onto the neighbor’s garden instead. It has also been rumored that oleander plants repel gophers, but it hasn’t been proven.


Flooding the Tunnels

It is highly possible to rid your backyard garden of gophers by flooding the tunnels they use to get to your garden before they have a chance to enter. Simply search for the main tunnel and flood it to rid your garden of gophers during the summer months.


What is the Best Course of Action?

Any type of rodent, whether it’s moles, gophers, or rats are going to carry diseases. It’s best to call in the pest control professionals to take care of the gopher problem fsafely and efficiently instead. They are well-trained and much more experienced than you are when it comes to removing critters from the garden.

These are just a few of the ways that you can remove or keep the gophers out of your garden this upcoming summer. Be careful when trying to deal with any type of creature in your garden, as they do have teeth and claws and can be dangerous.