If you are in the market for a good and reliable pressure washer, there is one important thing that you need to know right away. Not all pressure washers are created equally. Some come with different features, while others are more portable. And, they are all priced differently. Whatever the situation is, this makes choosing a pressure washer even more difficult. When it comes to choosing a good pressure washer, it really depends on how you plan on using it and how much you are going to be using it. Below, you will learn about 5 different questions that you need to ask yourself before buying a pressure washer.

Will The Unit Need To Be Portable?

If you plan on transporting your pressure washer from jobsite to jobsite, you are probably going to want something that is a little more mobile. Something with wheels, or even one that mounts to the back of your truck. In a situation like this, gas-powered water pressures are probably the better option, because they do not require a portable generator or access to a power outlet. However, another thing that you need to keep in mind is that hoses are available in a variety of different lengths. If you combine a stationary pressure washer with a couple hundred feet of hose, you pretty much have a portable pressure washer right there. So, a stationary pressure washer can be portable to a certain extent.


Do You Want To Do With A Steam System?

Steam washing is one of the most efficient pressure washing methods when it comes to certain applications. Plus, it does not require the use of chemicals or a large amount of water. So, if you are a “green” type of person and worry about saving the planet, this might be your best option. You just have to remember that the steam is created through a heating coil, which has to be powered by either electric or gas. Gas powered steam pressure washers use fuel oils to heat the water, so you can expect some exhaust fumes, which might be a problem if you are using this pressure washer indoors. Electric or other methods might be your best option for indoor applications


What Is The Pressure That You Want To Produce?

When it comes to a good pressure washer, you never want to overdo the pressure. Anywhere from 750 to 1500 PSIs is great for light jobs or more delicate surfaces. However, if you are looking to tackle tougher jobs at a higher productivity rate, you need to consider anywhere from 1500 to 3000 PSI. Anything over 3000 PSI will be capable of handling the toughest jobs on the planet.

How Many Guns Do You Need?

If you plan on using the pressure washer in a commercial application like a car washing or house cleaning business, you are going to need more than one gun. With this type of model, employees will be able to work within close range of each other while utilizing the same pressure washer. .


Will Water Run Off Play A Role?

A lot of businesses that deal with mass water consumption are monitored closely by the EPA for water run-off, and can face severe penalties and fines. If this will be a concern, you should probably consider going with a low-flow or steam system.