Today’s guest post comes from Dwight who feared he may never finish he PhD, but did learn to appreciate the value of a good night’s sleep early in life. Getting enough sleep is something I struggle with and I know that a good mattress can truly make a huge difference. His tips are quite good, and we’re totally guilty of not keeping our bed sacred for sleeping – so I hope you enjoy the read and maybe you’ll find a new better sleep habit as well.


I have been a student for a long time. As a result, it means I have lived in a shared house for a long time as well – longer than I’m willing to admit, to be honest. Part of being a student means that you have carte blanche to drink all the cheap wine you want, and it also means that you’re almost obligated to sleep on a crummy mattress. I did all of the student-y things I could, and boy was my mattress bad.

I recently got my first ‘real’ job after finishing my PhD and invested in a great mattress after looking online at a plethora of places (by the way, I thought Oz Mattress had a great site for research). I took the plunge and bought a surprisingly affordable mattress, and I have to say that the benefits were immediate and have been long lasting. My sleep has improved, my posture has improved and I have more energy for the day. It’s been a real boon considering my new job and the hours that I have to work now, as well.

If you wish you slept better, were more rested or even more relaxed, keep reading because I’m going to share some interesting facts about your mattress and how it can impact on your life.

Couple Sleeping

  1. Your mattress could be stressing you out
    There was a study performed in 2009 which saw 59 healthy participants sleep for a month (28 consecutive nights) on their regular old beds, and then switch to a new, medium-firm mattress for another month (28 consecutive nights). When they were asked to evaluate their stress levels (including things like racing thoughts, nervousness, irritability, headaches and worrying) they recorded a significant difference for each kind of mattress. The possible link was determined to be sleep quality, and a decrease in pain levels from back soreness which was linked to the firmer, new setup for their sleep.
  2. Your mattress could be making your skin or allergies react
    If you have an old mattress, you might be harboring some fugitives in the form of dust mites who call it home. These microscopic little critters feast on your dead skin and many people are allergic to them. You need to wash your sheets and pillowcases often and in hot water, and to perhaps pop on a slipcover which is allergy proof. If you think dust mites are a problem, consider upgrading your mattress and then keeping it clean with regular vacuuming and proper care.
    strange bed mates?
  3. Your mattress could be the wrong firmness
    Depending on how much you weigh, you’ll see a certain mattress a different way. Someone who weighs 40 kg is going to sink less into a mattress than someone who weighs 100 kg, so be sure to try out your mattress first or get some real advice from an expert.
  4. Your sleep quality could be a great indicator
    If you are rolling around all night on your mattress, it might be a sign that you need to invest in a new one! Take note of your sleep quality, perhaps use a sleep tracker app on your phone, and then take the right steps to ensure that you get the best sleep you can.
  5. Your sleep hygiene might be an issue
    If you are guilty of using your bed as a home office (and I am definitely guilty of this one) you can risk associating your bed with the wrong kind of behaviour. Your bed should be used for sleep and sex only! Electronics don’t belong on the bed, so be sure to limit the work to the desk or table only.


I hope that this has been a helpful resource for you and that you manage to find the right kind of mattress for your body. And I wish you your best night’s sleep ever!