think most of us would agree that you can never save too much money, right? Rarely is the process of saving money accidental. Yes, sometimes it can be a byproduct of having a high income and living a habitually lean lifestyle. But for most of us, we have to work at it.

The nice thing is, if you put a little bit away each week or month, one day it hits you and you’re like – “Oh my goodness! Where did all this money come from?” You may not necessarily need to approach your finances like a military general, but it’s beneficial to set goals, supported by plans of action.

Cut Costs

One such plan may entail cutting unnecessary costs when it comes to something as minor as switching from brand names to generic brand groceries at the supermarket. It might also include shopping around for cheaper products and services such as veterinarians, health care professionals and internet providers. Certain lifestyle tweaks can make a huge impact on how much money a household can save annually; personal habits definitely merit closer evaluation if that is one of the intended plans to save money. But do make sure to balance the amount of time you spend looking for these savings versus the worth of every hour. You don’t want to spend months looking for a bargain that ultimately only saves you $5 a year. 

Investments to Boost Your Savings

One of the most popular ways to increase your savings is by investing. There are many choices available in what to invest and even in strategies to use where you can minimize risk and maximize profits. Let’s look at some common forms of investments. Some of these include mutual funds, stocks, bonds, commodities and options.

Mutual funds use the performance of multiple types of securities to spread the risk of an investment. They use money pooled by groups of individuals and are professionally managed. There are several different types of funds, then, that are designed to suit an investor’s risk tolerance. The basic advantage and conversely, disadvantage, depending on how you look at it, comes from the fact that in being diversified the effect of leverage can be significantly diminished compared to some other investments.

When you purchase or sell stock, your investment is based solely on the performance of a single company and its share price, thereby increasing potential risk and also reward. A stock portfolio can be either professionally or independently managed and you can either choose to buy and hold stocks with the belief that the companies you invest in have not reached their full value, or be an active trader, taking advantage of general market volatility.

There are two basic types of bonds, corporate and government. Bonds are debt instruments issued to investors in order to raise money either for companies or the government. Money is made by an investor buying bonds, through the receipt of regular, fixed interest payments while the investor is in possession of the bond. Generally speaking, when interest rates go down, bond prices go up. Selling the bond for more than the initial cost will create a profit.

Commodities trading involves profiting from the price movements of contracts purchased or sold without taking delivery of the underlying product. These underlying products are typically raw materials rather than companies, and include contracts of wheat, cocoa, orange juice, sugar, crude oil, gold and silver, to name a few. An offshoot of this type of market is financial derivative trading, such as foreign exchange markets.

Options are yet a different type of contract that entitles, but does not obligate, a trader to buy or sell a stock or a commodity at a set price, called a strike price, up to a predetermined future date, also known as an expiry date. Options offer tremendous leverage when trading because they can allow a trader to have control of a full futures contract or stock at a fraction of the cost of a full contract. One downside to options trading is that while the potential rewards are unlimited, if the option is not exercised or used by the expiry date, it becomes worthless and the entire premium is forfeited.

There are a lot of ways to potentially save money, make it grow, even beyond what you may have thought possible, depending on where you plant your dollars. It’s definitely a great idea to investigate different brokerages such as CMC Markets, to see what they have to offer you. Some brokerages give the try-out option of trading using a demo account so you can see what trading and investing are really all about. With a bit of experience, you can then begin investing to save money.

Do you currently have any investments or smart savings accounts set up?