We love to play outdoors. The moment the warm weather breaks, we take the opportunity to get outdoors and take in some fresh air. Whether I take them to the park, watch them play sports, or help them ride their bike, we enjoy spending time together. As a mom, I also want to make sure that my kids are safe and sound when they play outside. There are all sorts of ways for them to get hurt, so I try to set a few guidelines and keep a close eye on them to ensure that they are safe while having a great time. Below are some safety tips to consider.


Sports Safety Tips

Sports are a great way for kids to have fun while also getting some exercise in. Whether it’s just you and the family playing a game of flag football, or watching the kids play for community teams, there’s nothing better than seeing the smiles on their faces and the confidence it builds. But every sport provides a set of safety rules that parents and players must oblige by. As long as you follow these rules and teach your child to follow them as well, the risk for physical injury is reduced. And remember not to take any of it too seriously!


Bike Riding Safety Tips

Bike riding is another way to get out and spend some time with the kids. Bike safety is important to prevent an accident. Whether you ride around the park or through your neighborhood, ensuring that your children follow all the rules is important for their safety. Here are some good bike ridding safety tips to teach your children:

  • Always wear a helmet (knee pads and elbow pads can also provide protection)
  • Obey all traffic signals
  • Never ride against traffic
  • Stay in bike lanes if they’re available in your community
  • Look out for cars turning corners, leaving or entering driveways, and before you cross the street.

Bicycle Accidents: If your children are under the age of 10, it is important that you keep a close eye on them when they ride their bikes, especially in driveways. On his website, personal injury lawyer, Mike Pines, talks about the various causes of bicycle accidents. The height of smaller children (paired with the fact that bicyclists are harder to see than cars) increases the risks of being involved in an crash. Hopefully it never comes to that, but if your child is injured as a result of a bicycle accident, seeking legal advice may be necessary if they sustain serious injury.


Back or Front Yard Safety Tips

Though you would assume your children would be safest at home, it is still important to make safety a priority even if they’re playing in the yard. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Make it clear no one is to leave the yard
  • No talking to passersby
  • Steer clear of the pool area (if you have a pool)
  • Refrain from throwing the ball to high (they could break something or cause the ball to roll in the street)

We can’t protect our children from every boo boo, sprain, or broken bone they may get throughout the course of their childhood. However, what we can do is make sure that we take every preventative measure to make sure that we reduce the risk of them getting hurt. Part of setting a good example for your kids is teaching them to be safe while playing outdoors. This information can provide you peace of mind so that you can enjoy your children and your time together without all the stress.