If someone told me 11 weeks ago that I would soon be running 10km in my free time and not actually dying afterward, I would have scoffed. In fact, I might have even laughed in their face.

But yet, yesterday, that’s exactly what we did.

Although I haven’t posted much about it lately, our running has been going really well. We did have a bit of a stumble as the weather started to turn really cold and yucky, mostly because we don’t like running in the rain or dragging Mackenzie out there with us, but we’re back on track now and actually ran over 61 kilometers in November — and already have our first 10km behind us for December.

At the moment, we’re training for a 10k race that takes place on New Year’s Eve, and although it’s probably going to be wildly cold, it should also be rather fun — and hopefully a lot flatter than the last race! Plus it’s a great milestone to push on our way toward our ultimate goal of the marathon.

I never imagined it would happen, but I have to say that I truly enjoy running. I like the fact that my brain can’t currently focus on much aside from the running while we’re going. And I love our long runs on Sunday mornings when we get to run through the sights of Berlin, when most people are still in bed, and experience this city in a way I never thought I would. Because as I said before, I always told people I hated running. But apparently I just lacked the interest or will power. People tried to get me to run cross country in high school — but I don’t think I had nearly enough determination then to make it stick…although I do wonder how different life would be if I had started running then and what I would have accomplished by now.

One thing you have to remember about running is that if you neglect your training, you have to start all over again. There’s no picking up where you left off. If you were running 10km a day and you just stop cold turkey for a month or two, you can’t just start running 10km again all the sudden. You’re going to have to work back up to that pace again. But the good news is that if you maintain running at least 2-3 times a week, you can hold on to everything you’ve already done, even if you really decrease the miles.

When we started slacking off, it was kinda tough getting back into it because your body starts wondering again if you’re crazy. But then it remembers how great those hot showers feel when you’re done and it’s all worth it. To be honest, on many days, I kinda dread the runs. But that feeling of accomplishment after and knowing that I’m doing something good for my body and mind is totally worth it. And your start to crave it… When you have been running 3-4 times a week and suddenly go without for close to a week, your body starts itching for another run and you think about it all the time. When can you fit in just one little run?

The beautiful thing about our training is that now I know we can accomplish our goal of running a 10k at the end of the year. Whereas a couple of weeks ago, I was a little panicked at the idea of running 10 kilometers as once. Heck, even the thought of running 1 kilometer freaked me out in September. But every day of training has brought us closer to each mini-goal — and of course the much bigger goal of running the Berlin Marathon next September. Now as we get closer to the 10k, we’re just building our endurance and helping ourselves to be able to finish the run in under 60 minutes.

In case you’re wondering, I really wanted to give up at about km 8. I hit “the wall” and I was ready to find the nearest bus and just get home and have it all over with. Which is one of the best things about running with a partner — and especially with someone who knows you well. Because Stefan saw it happening and he kept pushing me forward. Sometimes just a quick 10 second walk will shake the crazy thoughts out of your head. Or you just slow down a bit with your running to regain your wits. And remember to focus on landing on the balls of your feet, keeping your form proper and concentrate on your breathing. Then the run just takes over again and before you know it, you’re heaving your last heavy breaths as you cruise up to your front door. Because in that moment, the jubilation begins…and you start looking forward to the next run already. ๐Ÿ˜‰

photo credit: Thomas Hawk via photopin cc