If you want to boost the efficiency of your boiler and save on fuel, you should reduce your boiler flow temperature. For combi boilers, you can achieve this by controlling the temperature of the water directed to the radiators. But keep in mind that the default setting is usually 80C which is not a good thing for the efficiency of your boiler. Set the temperature a bit lower to keep your house warm while at the same time reducing your boiler’s fuel usage. 

Utilize Green Energy Voucher 

Every homeowner should use this scheme to save money on energy expenses. According to Ofgem, your flow temperature should be around 60C or more so that your home can heat up quickly. 

Lower the Water Temperature 

Sometimes tap water can get super hot even when it’s unnecessary. If your house has a heating system and a hot water cylinder installed, set the temperature thermostat to 60C. Don’t go lower than this to prevent legionella bacteria from surviving. 

Use the Shower

Getting into your Cuadrato polished black stone bath may seem alluring, however the cost to fill a bath is often 3 to 4 times that of having a shower. A bath may be enjoyable but it often costs three or four times as much to use than a shower. Not ideal during an energy and cost of living crisis.

Adjust Your Room Thermostat 

Another way to reduce energy consumption is by reducing the temperature of your thermostat. Ofgem advises keeping it around 18-21C, while the Health Security Agency in the UK recommends maintaining an indoor temperature of at least 18C. 

Lower the Temperature of Your Washing Machine 

Reducing washing machine temperature could guarantee more cycles while using the same energy you would need for higher temperatures. However, this depends on the type of washing machine you use—the latest washing machines clean clothes well even at lower temperatures. 

Use Tumble Dryer Less Often 

Tumble dryers usually consume a lot of energy compared to other home appliances. Use your tumble dryer less often to save energy. It means you may sometimes have to dry your clothes outside. 

Turn Idle Appliances Off 

Gadgets like televisions, computers, and video game consoles consume electricity when not in use. Ensure you turn the sockets off when you don’t need these appliances to save energy. You may even want to use some of these electronic devices less frequently to save you some money. For example, you can decide not to watch any television until evening. 

Close Your Curtains and Blinds in the Evening 

Curtains and blinds block warm air from escaping through the window, and closing them at night may reduce energy use. 

Use Energy Efficient Light Bulbs 

Energy-efficient bulbs produce a lot of light using little electricity, which can reduce your energy costs. Although these bulbs use minimal energy, they still give excellent light you will enjoy, and that lets you work on your stuff. 

Turn off Radiators When You’re Away 

Turning off a radiator when you don’t need it can reduce the amount of warm water used, minimizing your energy usage. Most radiators have valves labelled from 0-6, with zero meaning it’s off, whereas 6 represents the highest temperature. 

Block Heat From Escaping 

Doors, chimneys, and windows allow heat to escape from your house. Cover any gaps around these areas of the house to keep your home warm so that you don’t need more energy to heat it. 

Use Night Tariffs

If you use a green e-bike or an electric car or a then use a night time tariff to charge the battery. It’s a lot less expensive charging at off peak hours will help you save on your bill.

Install Window Films 

Window films add another layer to the surface of your windows. It can prevent too much heat from escaping, which keeps your house warm, and it does not need any extra heating, which would be expensive. But, even as you add window films, ensure your rooms are well-ventilated to allow fresh air and prevent you from falling sick.