When you leave for college, you’re embarking on a whole new journey; a new chapter in your life. It’s an exciting time to be sure, but it can also feel daunting and overwhelming for some.

Before you leave, there are plenty of things that need to be done. For starters, if you’re still in the application process, consider working with a college counsellor like Going Ivy to help you get into your dream school. If you’re already accepted and getting ready to leave, here are a few practical tips to get yourself ready.

Check-In With Your Roommates

Before moving into your dorm, you might want to try to connect with your future roommate on Facebook or other social media platforms if possible. Getting into contact with them ahead of time could help ease the process of the meeting. Drop them a message explaining who you are, and let them know that you’re excited for the opportunity to get to know them and spend some time together in the year ahead.

This can also help you to plan and decide who will be bringing what in terms of furniture and living essentials, and how you plan to furnish and decorate the dorm.

Plan Your Move and Stock Up

Preparing well in advance for a move is important to make sure that everything goes smoothly. Read up and plan what you’ll want to take along with you for the semester – make a list and check items off as you get them or pack them. This can also help you to remember everything you’ll need to bring home with you at the end of the year and prevent things from getting mixed up with your roommate’s stuff.

Find a Job

Most college students are finding independence for the very first time and it’s exciting! Having some extra money in the bank will ease the experience and make things more fun and a little less stressful.

Whether you’re trying to pay for your education or just need some spending money for weekends with your friends, having a part-time job for when you’re not in classes or working on assignments is a great idea for any student. You’ll learn life skills, gain some experience for your CV and probably meet some cool new people.

Plan Your Semester or Year

College is a whole level up from high school, and preparing yourself for what’s ahead will make things easier for you in many ways. Take some time to check out what courses you’ll be taking, what they’re going to be about who your lecturers might be and what clubs or extracurricular things you might be interested in.
Grab a few items like a calendar, a daily planner and whatever notebooks and stationery you’ll need for your academic year. If you’re feeling unsure, drop some emails to your future lecturers, tutors or counsellors for assistance. Taking an early interest will set you apart and show that you take yourself seriously, alongside being actually helpful in getting you prepared for your courses.