Some people ask me why I blog. There are many reasons really. Blogging is usually very therapeutic for me. I blog about a bad experience, a good experience, something crazy that happened…and I will hear from all of you who tell me you’ve been in a similar situation and you know just what I’m going through. I also blog to let my friends and family know what is going on in our ever changing lives. And I blog to help myself learn and hopefully teach others as I go along. Blogging creates a journal of things we do here on the farm, records recipes and ways of doing things and is a nice reference and reminder about our life.

I have virtually made many friends via blogging, and some of them I hope to meet personally one day…but until we do meet, we have an incredible time sharing experiences with each other via our blogs and emails. A few months ago, a new friend emerged via Twitter. A fellow expat (from Canada) in Germany, I was excited to start reading Michelle’s blog, Neither Here Nor There. I really do love meeting other expats in Germany who experience similar things while living here and know what it’s like to be totally lost in a foreign land at times.

I mentioned that I was cleaning out stuff via ebay that we never use or inherited with the house, and Michelle commented that she needed to do the same, especially with kids clothes. In another post, I mentioned buying new clothes, and Michelle offered to send me some clothes if I wanted. And on her own blog, there were a couple posts about getting rid of junk and clothes…to which I said, “Send it to ME!” To be honest, I thought our banter would result in little more than banter until Michelle tweeted a couple questions to me about stuff she was packing up to send. Talk about shocked! And to refuse payment for any of it, simply because she just wants it out of the house….Michelle, you are too kind!

So yesterday the doorbell rang and there was the DHL guy with a great big box. Mackenzie got to help me open it. She seemed as excited as I was about this Christmas in October box!

Mackenzie helps open Michelle's box

Clothes, toys, shoes, a cool little booster seat, fun floor tiles, glow in the dark stars which I was mentioning buying the other day to Stefan because Mack is so obsessed with watching her ceiling these days, a Mei Tai baby wrap…and so much other cute stuff! I really cannot say thank you enough for your kindness, Michelle. Some people don’t understand how people who have never met could share a bond and develop a friendship just because they blog and tweet a bit…but I’ve seen it happen over and over again. If you don’t experience it yourself, I think you just can’t get it.

Stuff for Mackenzie in Michelle's box

You WILL get something in return, Michelle…I don’t know what but I will figure out something. And it will be before the end of the year…so be on the lookout! And again, let me say a very big THANK YOU!!!

Now I have to go figure out how that baby wrap thingy works…thank goodness you tweeted the name to me. I do miss our Björn carrier cause the Deuter is not always practical and a stroller is just so bulky…