Yes, it is indeed Wednesday. No, I am not confused.

Because Thanksgiving is tomorrow, You Capture was pushed forward one day. But that’s not making it any less awesome. 🙂

The name of the game this week was “blue” — and to be honest, I only took these photos a little while ago because Beth had a horrible thing happen on her blog which I just won’t even go in to. But I unfortunately was a dork and (often) forget to look at the upcoming topic until a few days AFTER I make my submission — even though it’s all right there in the same post. I’m such a hooligan sometimes.

At any rate, these are a few of my favorite blue things around our house…

This is the little blue book which Mack got when she was still a baby that she really loves. There is a little boy king on a string attached to this book, and Mackenzie now loves to tell her own stories using him and this book. It is pricelessly cute!

blue you capture

This is also something that Mack has had roughly forever — which was a present from Stefan’s Oma. It is the cutest little pull behind suitcase I have ever seen! I cannot wait to see Mack going through the airport pulling this thing behind her. And it holds a surprising amount of stuff — which she likes to test out on a regular basis!

blue you capture

And by far one of the coolest blue things we have, was Mack’s first BMW racer (don’t ask how we have 3). It’s totally stylin’ and surprisingly sturdy — ’cause us big kids love racing on them too.

blue you capture


Jump over to I Should Be Folding Laundry for more fun blueness — and for info about how to join yourself.