It’s 6pm again, the usual quittin’ time at our house, and we had a huge day. Besides putting in the ceiling insulation earlier in the day we also managed to put in the vapor barrier and started on the studding out for the drywall.

The vapor barrier ended up taking longer than the insulation because of all the sealing off with special sticky tape, but it also worked out quite well. It may not be the prettiest job ever (not nearly as nice as the picture in the brochure) but it will definitely do the job.

After that, we started with the drywall studding. First order of business was to mount the ceiling brackets. That work was massively easier using a laster plum line. I have a feeling this 30EUR piece of technological wonder is going to come in very handy during several steps of the process.

Now we are kicking back on the couch for a bit before taking out the dog. We are very tired after this day. Once again it feels like we didn’t work that many hours, but when we do work we work pretty fast and only take breaks after a project is completed.

Tomorrow it will be time to install the actual frames of the ceiling. We hope to get done all of the ceiling beams and a few sheets of drywall around the edges of the room (only enough to start with the wall beams and let the electrician still reach to lay cables.