I’m sure you know how difficult it can be to get settled in at a new place. And while I thought I had surely found all the best places in the apartment to stretch out (in front of the fridge, next to the couch where I can rearrange the plants, blocking the front door at night and so on) there was one distinct area that I had been avoiding…the balcony.
You see, at first I had some doubts about whether it was big enough for me. And then whether it would support me. But then I realized that the cats go out there all the time (together even) and I’m certainly not much bigger than them! {Or so she thinks, adds mom.}
But what I didn’t realize is just how cool it is out there. At our old place, I could be outside and lay for a while, but I could really only hear people passing by versus actually seeing them (aside from a shadow through the fence slats). And up here, I can actually see everyone, know when they are up to no good and spot every dog who responds to or tries to delete my pee-mails. I can also give them a stern barking at to let them know they better shape up! It’s totally awesome. My neighborhood watch program is officially being started back up…just don’t tell anyone that I sometimes fall asleep on the job. 😉
Mom and dad used to try to get me to go out here all the time in the summer…heck the door was open all the time then. Somehow they seemed to know I would like it…but being up that high quite frankly freaked me out. Somehow now, with the leaves ablaze and the weather cooling off, I can really appreciate the fresh air and opportunity to spy on the neighbors…even if it means I’m all by myself and my humans lock me out of the house with a few words about it being too cold outside to leave the doors open — but what do they know.
Up here on the balcony, it’s like my own little personal world. Some days, I go out there first thing in the morning, come in to eat and go for a walks, and then return to my lookout spot for the rest of the time. There’s no one to love on me or cuddle me, but to be honest, sometimes I just like my quiet time.
Lucky for me, when it’s raining, the balcony is partially covered. So we’ll see what happens in the winter. I kinda doubt that mom and dad will want me tracking snow into their bedroom. But they just don’t know what’s good in this life!
Hope you’re having a happy fall!
Soggy kisses!