Now that 2011 is officially buried, I figured it was time to take a look at all that went down here on NOH in the past year — and I have to say it was a really incredible time. I have been so blessed by all of the great readers and appreciate each and every new “face” that comes through the “door”. Without all of you, NOH would not be worth anything. So I thank you for reading this blog, telling your friends about it, leaving comments, sending emails and otherwise just rockin’ my world. πŸ™‚

Always trying to be a bit more fun and explore my creative side, I put together an infographic to sum up the year. You’ll find it below (click on it to enlarge) stating a whole bunch of fun facts about NOH that I’m sure you never knew — and maybe never would have imagined either. πŸ˜‰

In addition to all that awesomeness, NOH has also had some great achievements regarding social media and networking. And I thank all of you for that as well. Right before we left for our vacation in Florida, I asked the clan on Facebook to help boost NOH over the 1,000 mark — and you all seriously pulled it off in just a few minutes. I really cannot say enough how much you all ROCK!

More NOH Accomplishments in 2011

  • 1064 “likes” on Facebook
  • 857 followers on Twitter
  • 478 people on the NOH mailing lists
  • 24,300 unique visitors per month
  • Hosted National Infertility Awareness Week guest posts
  • Asked to be in IKEA Home style magazine (and declined)
So because it’s the start of a new year, I’m going to take a moment to write down a few new goals for NOH in the coming year. They’re not resolutions (because those are just made to be broken) but they are things I plan to get done to promote NOH as well as make your lives better (in the case of the ebooks). And the cookbook — well, I just think that would be awesome. And it’s something I’ve been tossing around for over a year now but just not made the time for.

NOH Goals for 2012

  • 2500 “likes” on Facebook
  • 1250 followers on Twitter
  • 1500 people on the NOH mailing lists
  • 35,000 unique visitors per month
  • Publish 3 free ebooks
  • Finish at least half of the German cookbook I’ve begun

If you are a blogger, are thinking about blogging or just want to learn more about blogging in general, you’ll be happy to know that I am actually going to be sharing more of my own personal knowledge picked up over the last 5 years while I’ve grown as a blogger and created NOH. This will be something I discuss on my new, more personal blog, which will be unveiled next week. πŸ˜‰

Have you made goals for your business/self/home/family this year? Did you remember to also break down the monstrous steps into baby steps so that you can focus on small tasks that you can actually accomplish?

If you’d like a little bit of Little Bites inspiration to keep you going, head over to Carrie’s Busy Nothings and read more about her goals for 2012 and how she plans to achieve them. Β