Description: A belt sander is ideal for quickly removing amounts of stock from a piece of wood. Sanding wood floors using belt best sander results in a smooth surface, which will make the entire room attractive. To achieve this, you need to know how to use it.

A belt sander makes work easy

Sanding and refinishing wood floors is an undertaking that might consume a lot of time. However, you can use the right tools to do the work yourself, and in turn, save some money for the best Black Friday deals. By using a belt sander, sanding wood floors becomes easy. This device contains a loop of rotating sandpaper, which does its work quickly and efficiently.

The Process of Sanding Wood Floors

Before you begin sanding down wood floors yourself, remove any mats, curtains, or even furniture present. In case there are any items that you can’t move, ensure that they’re covered to prevent dust from settling on them. Since sanding generates dust, you also need to cover your face using a face mask plus goggles.

The floor’s state will determine the amount you require to sand the floor. In case the floor is reasonably clean, you’ll have to sand along the wood’s length for a smoother finish. On the other hand, if the floor is marked or tough, the sanding should be done diagonally, then along the length of the wood.

Moreover, the wood floors’ condition also ascertains the grade of abrasive, which will be utilized on the floor, to begin with. Nevertheless, it doesn’t matter the wood floor’s state; you’ll always complete with a 120 grit size. Before sanding down wood floors, make sure you open all windows to allow for ventilation. Tilt the tool before you begin sanding wood floors with a belt sander. It will ensure the abrasive side doesn’t brush against the floor.

Sanding Wood Floors Diagonally

Diagonal sanding is ideal for boards that aren’t level

If your floorboards are not level, then sanding down wood floors diagonally becomes necessary. Fit the precise grade of abrasive to your tool. Begin in one corner of the room you’re working on, tilt your machine, then diagonally move it across the surface to the other corner.

Tilt the sander, then raise abrasive from the floor before you get to the skirting board in the other corner. Replicate the procedure, moving in a parallel manner to the initial pass. Overlap the initial pass a little bit. Carry on with this procedure, somewhat overlapping every preceding pass until the whole room has sanded.

Sanding the Length of the Wood

Once you’ve completed sanding wood floors yourself diagonally twice as mentioned above, employ your second grade of abrasion, and start to sand along the wood’s length. Begin in one corner of the room and sand the length of it. When you’re at the opposite wall, tilt plus lift the sander, then move the tool parallel with the previous pass. Eventually, one pass will have a smoother finish than the other. Once you’re done sanding wood floors with the second grade of abrasion, alter it to the 120 grit size and do the sanding again. A sanding block will be required to get into the corners of the work area.

How to Clean Walls after Sanding Wood Floors

Use soap and water for cleaning

● Using a Swiffer – It’ll work very well on your walls. The dust collecting sheets have to be changed regularly, depending upon the amount of dust.

● Using a Shop-Vac – If you need something more potent than the Swiffer, then use the Vac. Run it on your walls to suck the dust.

● Traditional soap and water – after using either of the above, the best thing to use is a rag dipped in water mixed with soap to clean the walls.


A belt sander will do an efficient job of sanding down wood floors. Ensure that you utilize the right abrasion grade. Moreover, always protect your nose, eyes, and ears. Has the belt sander been effective for you?

Author’s bio: Luke Capp is a master craftsman. He taught himself woodworking and has a passion for designing and crafting items out of wood, and has also been involved in the construction industry, particularly when it comes to woodworking jobs. When not working, he spends his time at home with his family.