Foraging for wild garlic

Foraging for wild garlic

Although many things outdoors have begun to whither and die back, some wild herbs are still thriving…and possibly even becoming easier for you to find. Types of wild garlic and chives are one example. Can you spot the clumps of wild garlic in the photo below? I...
How to can potatoes

How to can potatoes

Because our neighbors have a huge potato farming operation, we have the opportunity to forage tons of potatoes for free. Ok, maybe not tons, but many, many pounds. More than we can carry at once and more than I’d like to think about having in my kitchen waiting...

Back to the usual

Yesterday was pretty quiet for us. We did a couple smallish things around here but not really anything worth noting. Mostly we worked on internet stuff and watched lots of Olympics coverage (thanks to our hard disk recorder since everything good comes on at 2am here.)...