The ongoing global pandemic has proved to be calamitous in a lot of ways, including lost employment and decreased income. If your livelihood was impacted by Covid-19 outbreak, you’re probably looking for ways to make your paycheck last longer.

It may feel like you can’t lower your essential expenses, but it’s possible! In this post, we’re sharing some useful tips to save money without altering your lifestyle too much. Take a look.

1. Shop Long-Lasting Groceries

Fresh fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a balanced diet, but they spoil quite easily. Instead of spending all of your grocery budget on perishables, start buying more legumes, rice, beans and other pantry staples with longer shelf lives. Did you know that canned foods can be just as nutritious as fresh produce? So, buy canned goods that will last a lot longer.

 2. Try Meal Planning

There is no arguing that fast food is extremely affordable, but it falls short when it comes to nutrition. Not eating a nutritious diet is an invitation to health issues. You should buy groceries in bulk and make meals for the entire week on the weekends. It’s time-saving, cost-effective and healthy!

3. Stop Buying Bottled Water

Bottled water is hurting your wallet and the planet. It may not seem like much, but it adds up. Get yourself a water filter to lower your expenses and single-use plastic waste.

4. Grow Herbs

Herbs are a wonderful way to add extra flavor to your cooking. Rather than buying herbs that will wilt away in a matter of days, grow your own herb garden. Even if you live in an apartment, you can easily buy and maintain potted herbs.

5. DIY Gifts

With the holiday season coming up, you may be worried about buying gifts for your loved ones. Avoid spending too much money by making gifts for your friends and family at home. After all, it’s the thought that counts.

6. Switch Utility Plans

When was the last time you looked at your energy plan? It’s quite possible that your discounted plan has expired and you’re paying a standard price for energy. You don’t have to stay stuck with an overpriced plan when you can compare energy plans and find a new one. Check out Simply Energy reviews if you’re looking for a new plan for your home.

7. Keep Up with Routine Maintenance

When you have a jam-packed schedule, taking your car for routine servicing or getting your HVAC system checked may be the last thing on your list. But routine maintenance is necessary to avoid major repairs down the line. So keep up with various maintenance requirements around the house.

8. Borrow Don’t Buy

Whether you have to attend a wedding or holiday parties, you don’t have to buy brand new outfits for every event. There are services that allow you to borrow clothing, shoes and accessories. Buying second-hand clothing is another affordable and sustainable option.

9. Use Cold Water for Laundry

Something as simple as doing your laundry with cold water can make a significant difference to your energy bills. You can further reduce your energy consumption by line-drying clothes instead of using the dryer.

10. Repair or Repurpose Don’t Replace

A rip in your jeans or a spill on your couch doesn’t mean you have to replace them. Try to repair or repurpose everything around your house instead of throwing them away.

11. Quit Expensive Habits

Drinking or smoking may be your way of unwinding after a stressful day, but these habits are expensive as well as injurious. You should take a warm bath or spend that money on a relaxing massage.

12. Minimize Credit Card Use

The convenience of credit cards often makes it difficult to realize that you might be overspending. Minimize your credit card use to keep your spending in check.