The observation perch
Princess has found a new favorite watching perch for herself. From the railing around the bottom flight of stairs, Prince can sit and watch what is going on with the puppy whether she is playing, in her crate sleeping, terrorizing us, eating something she shouldn’t be or whatever else might be occurring. The cats are […]
Visit from the Grandparents
Well this was an exciting weekend. Grandma and Grandpa were here from the hubbies side and got to meet Ayla finally. They weren’t thrilled with the prospect of us getting a dog when we finally told them but since she’s our headache to deal with, they’ve cut us some slack. And who can resist that […]
Planning, planning and more planning
Now that summer is here, all of us going on this trip are getting a bit anxious to start planning. We have set up one of those Yahoo groups to cordinate everyones ideas for the trip. That is turning out to be the best idea we have had for planning this trip. The yahoo groups […]
Zeus & Apollo
We took Ayla out for her evening walk and as usual ran into some other people walking dogs along the way. Most of the time people may pause to chat casually and ask about the dog (everyone loves a puppy after all and when there are only around 2,500 people in your community they all […]
But how will it all fit?
So now that we have a third body in the car with us – Ayla, who will be almost fully grown by the time we leave – it was time to start thinking about what we would bring on our trip and how it will all fit in and on the Defender. While we have […]